MCC Fans: Last Chance To Support The Rats of G.I.M. Kickstarter!

MCC Fans: Last Chance To Support The Rats of G.I.M. Kickstarter!

IT’S THE FINAL HOURS TO SUPPORT THIS THIRD-PARTY KICKSTARTER FOR MCC RPG! The folks at Dark Platypus have gotten their MCC RPG Kickstarter funded, and are now moving into the stretch goal section! The first FOUR stretch hurdles have been cleared, and the fifth is well within reach! Here’s a description of the book, straight from the Kickstarter campaign: The Rats of G.I.M. is a stand-alone adventure module for characters...

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Two Kickstarters Live for DCC RPG Zines!

Two Kickstarters Live for DCC RPG Zines!

Two new Kickstarters are live, and they continue to show the diversity that DCC RPG inspires! You can get in on the ground floor of the two new zines for Dungeon Crawl Classics that take the game in very different directions. Terror of the Stratosfiend and Ghostlike Crime are both now live, and waiting for you! Terror of the Stratosfiend Terror of the Stratosfiend is a new zine from Orbital Intelligence that explores a world where...

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Huge Restock on Fate’s Fell Hand Cards and Other Popular DCC Third Party Items!

Huge Restock on Fate’s Fell Hand Cards and Other Popular DCC Third Party Items!

The fates are on your side today! If you’ve been looking for the Fate’s Fell Hand card deck, we’ve got some great news: they are back in stock! This mega-popular release sold like hotcakes (and you know how popular hotcakes are these days!), but we recently got in a large restock on them, and they are once more available. These 2.125″ x 3.5″ cards are lavishly illustrated by Doug Kovacs and can be used at the...

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Free DCC Monster-Stat Cards With Purchase of Any Third-Party DCC Publication!

Free DCC Monster-Stat Cards With Purchase of Any Third-Party DCC Publication!

It’s October, and we’ve got a scary-good promotion for you. While supplies last, customers can get a physically printed card with stats for a new monster from the DCC Deck of Twisted Terrors sourcebook as a free bonus! These promotional cards are only available with purchases of DCC third-party items from the Goodman Games online store, and they are only available while supplies last. What are the limitations? It’s...

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New Third-Party DCC Supplements!

New Third-Party DCC Supplements!

Perhaps one of the least talked about things about Gen Con is the amazing selection of third party products at the Goodman Games booth. Gen Con is the only place where you can see all the DCC third party items pulled together in one place. It’s a great chance to browse all the wonderful creations of our enthusiastic fan base in one jaw-dropping display. A big thanks to everyone who supported their work at Gen Con by buying the...

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Gen Con 2018: New Releases, Round Five

Gen Con 2018: New Releases, Round Five

Round five is all about our friends! We’ve got some amazing friends, you know. Gen Con 2018 will see the debut of a pair of items from two of our publishing partners, who are releasing new third-party MCC and DCC products. And you’ll be able to find both of them at the Goodman Games booth, so make sure you stop by! Check out the new releases below! Meanderings Across The Radlands #1 This digest sized zine features 22 pages...

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Best Selling DCC Third Party Publications

Best Selling DCC Third Party Publications

    Yesterday we reminded you about our Third Party Publishing license. The license that allows anyone to publish supplements, adventures, and whatnot for Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics. It’s a great way to show your love of the game, and to get that idea that has been poking at the back of your mind into print. Today, we want to show you some great examples of folks who have done just that. These are...

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New DCC Items In Our Online Store!

New DCC Items In Our Online Store!

Have you been missing something in your life? Maybe it’s been a book that you didn’t know existed? Or perhaps it is a new printing on a beloved favorite? Maybe it’s even a new t-shirt for you to wear as a part of your every-day life. Well, we might just have the answer for you. There are four new products now available in our online store. We’ve got the newest printing of one of our high-level adventures, two...

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DCC Adventure “Temple Of The Hamster” Now On Sale!

DCC Adventure “Temple Of The Hamster” Now On Sale!

Gird your loins! …there are hamsters about. The folks at Vance Games have unleashed a horror unlike any other with the release of The Temple of the Hamsters. The town guard lies dead, their bellies overstuffed with grain. The children have gone missing. The town of Kamis lies in panic. They know the cause, but none of them are brave enough to face the terror they dare not name. Are your characters valiant enough to face off...

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Support This DCC Magazine Kickstarter!

Support This DCC Magazine Kickstarter!

We’ve got some D.A.M.N. news for you! The DCC Adventure Magazine and News zine from Mystic Bull Games is looking to start up volume two of their life, and have invited you to help them make this dream into a reality! Check out the D.A.M.N. Kickstarter that is currently live! They’ve already hit their goal, sot the book WILL be coming out, but we want to help make the first Dungeon Crawl Classics zine’s campaign a...

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Mistwood and Elfland Now in Stock!

Mistwood and Elfland Now in Stock!

We’ve got trolls! We’ve got fey! We’ve got a pair of great new releases from Shinobi 27 Games! Looking for adventure? Might we suggest Curse of Mistwood? A dark power has stirred in Mistwood. An evil so great that not only is the quiet waterside village at risk but perhaps the world itself. Curse of Mistwood is an adventure designed for a group of 5 to 8 Characters of levels 4 to 6. Curse of Mistwood can be played as...

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Two Days Left for Fey Sovereign Kickstarter

Two Days Left for Fey Sovereign Kickstarter

  One of the great things about Dungeon Crawl Classics is that we allow other companies to publish product for use with our game system. We love our third party publishers, and we love this Kickstarter. You have less than three days to show support for The Greenwood of the Fey Sovereign, a new adventure for use with DCC. This new product throws your characters into the middle of a war between two neighboring countries. You have...

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