Announcing Our 2024 Convention Schedule!

2024 Convention Schedule

We’ve got an absolutely packed year of events to look forward to — a whopping 47 so far — with even more on the way!

We’ve got all the classics like Gen Con and Origins and Gary Con to look forward to next year, as well as returning to favorites like Gamehole Con, The UK Game Expo, KublaCon (twice!), Pax Unplugged, and, of course, Free RPG Day. But there are also a lot of new Cons (to us, or just in general) all lined up for a Goodman Games visit, so be sure to check below and see if any of the dates and locations work for you!

We will be returning to the world of virtual con-going with Planet of the Cyclops Con this year, and you can bet your rhinoceratops we have great things planned for DCC Day!

It’s still early days yet, so keep checking back as the schedule gets updated and dates get finalized and, who knows, maybe more events will be added!

Here’s the current list of shows for 2024!

Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo / PAGE RecapJan 5-7Philadelphia, PA
Midwinter Gaming Con / Midwinter Con RecapJan 11-14Milwaukee, WI
DunDraCon / DunDraCon RecapFeb 16-19Santa Clara, CA
Strategicon: OrcCon / OrcCon RecapFeb 16-19Los Angeles, CA
Total Con / TotalCon RecapFeb 22-25Marlborough, MA
Owl Con / OwlCon RecapFeb 23-25Houston, TX
Cincy Con / Cincy Con RecapMarch 1-3Cincinnati, OH
Gameface Con / GameFace Con RecapMarch 9-10Baltimore, MD
Gary Con / Gary Con RecapMarch 21-24Lake Geneva, WI
PAX East / PAX East RecapMarch 21-24Boston, MA
Gamestorm / Gamestorm RecapMarch 21-24Portland, OR
Who’s Yer Con / Who’s Yer Con RecapMarch 29-31Indianapolis, IN
LexiCon / LexiCon RecapApril 5-7Lexington, KY
Falls Con / Falls Con RecapApril 5-7Wichita Falls, TX
Rising Phoenix Con / Rising Phoenix Con RecapApril 19-21Milford, MA
Chupacabra Con / Chupacabra Con RecapMay 17-19San Marcos, TX
BGG Spring / BGG Spring RecapMay 23-27Dallas, TX
MomoCon / MomoCon RecapMay 24-27Atlanta, GA
KublaCon / KublaCon RecapMay 24-27Burlingame, CA
StrategiCon: Gamex / StrategiCon: Gamex RecapMay 24-27Los Angeles, CA
UK Games Expo / UK Games Expo RecapMay 31 – June 2Birmingham, UK
North Texas RPG Con / North Texas RPG Con RecapJune 6-9Irving, TX
Robert E. Howard Days / Robert E. Howard Days RecapJune 7-8Cross Plains, TX
Free RPG Day / Free RPG Day RecapJune 22Everywhere!
Origins Game Fair / Origins Game Fair RecapJune 19-23Columbus, OH
DCC Day / DCC Day RecapJuly 20Everywhere!
Gen Con / Gen Con RecapAugust 1-4Indianapolis, IN
PhoenixCon / PhoenixCon RecapAugust 15-18Appleton, WI
GrandCon / GrandCon RecapAugust 30 – Sept 1Grand Rapids, MI
Strategicon: Gateway / Strategicon: Gateway RecapAugust 30 – Sept 2Los Angeles, CA
Pacificon / Pacificon RecapAugust 30 – Sept 2Santa Clara, CA
Library Con / Library Con RecapSeptember 28thPflugerille, TX
Con on the Cob / Con on the Cob RecapOct 3-6Richfield, OH
Gamehole Con / Gamehole ConOct 17-20Madison, WI
Big Bad Con / Big Bad Con RecapOct 24-27Burlingame, CA
LongCon / LongCon RecapNov 7-10Longview, TX
KublaCon Fall / KublaCon Fall RecapNov 8-11Santa Clara, CA
BGG Con / BGG Con RecapNov 13-17Dallas, TX
U-ConNov 15-17Ann Arbor, MI
RinCon / RinCon RecapNov 15-17Tuscon, AZ
Planet of the Cyclops Con / Planet of the Cyclops Con RecapNov 23-24ONLINE
PAX Unplugged / Pax Unplugged RecapDec 6-8Philadelphia, PA

Click here for the Goodman Games 2023 Con Schedule and Recap.

Author: admin

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