Look, I don’t know what to tell you — if you weren’t at GameStorm in Portland this past weekend, you missed a great convention — and you missed visiting Goodman Games there… This thing has been chugging along for two and half decades, so they know what they are doing. The entire island being under a blackout on Friday for a few hours was barely a blip!
Many, many, many DCC and DCC-related games were played — in their own dedicated room, no less! — and among them Wizards argued with the inverted faces on their chests, Goblin PCs completely “convinced” “everyone” that they were devotees of “Ahriman”, Halflings knew exactly the right time to ask exactly the right question, and woodcutter-Thieves put ALL of their skillsets to good use. If you missed it, these things may never happen again, all lost in time like tears in the Columbia River — but cheer up! — many, many, many NEW things will happen if you make it next year… Mark your calendars now and we’ll plan to see you there!
We’d like to thank April, Mike, and the entire GameStorm staff and volunteers for their help and hospitality, and for putting on such a great event. Remember: next March, Portland is your destination for gaming!
Goodman Games is best known for the popular Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game and associated adventures. Goodman Games also publishes popular titles such as Mutant Crawl Classics, Xcrawl Classics, Fifth Edition Fantasy, and much more. Goodman Games products are available in thousands of stores worldwide, and have been translated into multiple languages.
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