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Save over $500 on 50 Dungeons with Bundle of Holding!

Extended! Get Castle Whiterock, 23 adventures ranging from levels 1 – 10+, and more for only $42!A Fifty-Dungeon Megabundle with nearly five dozen tabletop roleplaying adventures from Goodman Games – including Castle Whiterock! Both of...

PDF Preview of Terror From The UnderDeep!

A sneak peak at what’s inside Terror from the Underdeep? Yes, please! Check out the preview below and head over to Backerkit and pledge for a giant-sized adventure and amazing add-ons like 4 NEW 5E adventures!Click here or the image below for...

Now Hiring: Con Rep for Northeast Region

Goodman Games is seeking Con Reps to run booths at local cons in the Northeast. Interested in becoming part of the team and getting paid to share your love of DCC, MCC, and XCC? Send your cover letter and resume to Dieter Zimmerman:...

A Tribute to Howard Andrew Jones

A Tribute to Howard Andrew JonesBy Joseph GoodmanHoward Andrew Jones with the Goodman Games crew, Gen Con 2018. (Howard is kneeling at lower right.)Howard Andrew Jones passed away on Thursday, January 16, 2025. Howard was a wonderful man and a good...

Support Loot the Body on Bandcamp

We love Loot the Body! Not just the act performed by murder hobos in your own game, but the band that has contributed to several Goodman Games projects with their fantastic music. From their appearances at Cyclops Cons to the single they released to...

Appendix N Archaeology: Clark Ashton Smith

Our Appendix N Archeology and Adventures in Fiction series are meant to take a look at the writers and creators behind the genre(s) that helped to forge not only our favorite hobby but our lives. We invite you to explore the...

Save $100 If You Pledge Now for Terror From the Underdeep!

Savings are good! Savings are your friend! And if you act RIGHT NOW, you can save up to $100 when you pledge for Terror From the Underdeep! So head over to Backerkit and pledge for a giant-sized adventure and free bonuses!There are plenty of options...

Explore Dangerous Old School Dungeons in this Massive Deal!

Save big on Fifty Dungeons and experience classic dungeon crawls with a fantastic old-school flavor!This Bundle of Holding presents a ton of DCC module PDF ebooks from the entire d20 System line, arranged to ramp smoothly from 1st to 21st level....

New In The Store: New Dead Stamp, Indie DCC Adventures & Fantasy Grounds!

Head over to the Goodman Games store today for 10 new items! We’re happy to announce new indie DCC adventures and supplements for your table both physical and virtual! And for those judge’s who are always looking for a cool way to show...

Pledge Today For Free UnderDeep Delve and D24!

You don’t want to miss out on these earlybird goodies!Back now and get a FREE 24-sided die and a Two-Page Underdeep Delve! These bonuses end after today, so head over to Backerkit and pledge for a giant-sized adventure and free...

A Marvelous Time Midwinter Gaming Con in Milwaukee!

Midwinter has now passed. There was a deep chill in the air outside of the Ingleside Hotel in Pewaukee, WI, but the small legion of DCC fans kept warm inside. There was an exceptional collection of full length and one-hour introductory sessions for...

Pledge Now for Terror From The UnderDeep!

Back now and get a FREE 24-sided die and a copy of the 2-Page Underdeep Delve! It’s HERE! Head over to Backerkit and pledge for a giant-sized adventure of fun, mystery, and wild imagination!There’s plenty of options for all sorts of 5E...

Terror From The UnderDeep Launches TOMORROW!

There’s still time to follow Terror from the Underdeep over on Backerkit!Follow and be the first to know when it goes live TOMORROW! Backing early will get you a free 24-sided die and a copy of 2-Page Underdeep Delve! Following today also...

YouTube Livestreaming: Terror from the Underdeep Launch Show, Rules as Written, and Honor Among Thieves!

Join us at the Goodman Games Official YouTube Channel for three great shows! From giants to great friends, we’re excited to have you join us this week!Now let’s check out the details!Schedule for the week of January 13th12:00 p.m. EST,...

Roadworthy: Tyler Stroud

Welcome to Roadworthy! This is a chance to show off a Road Crew Judge and allow them to share their experience and wisdom. We provide these profiles to help provide insight into their personality and style, and...

Terror From The UnderDeep Launches Tuesday!

Launching Tuesday:Terror from the Underdeep!Follow and be the first to know when it goes live! Backing in the first 48 hours will get you a free 24-sided die and a copy of 2-Page Underdeep Delve! Following today also gives you tons of updates from...