We’ve got some D.A.M.N. news for you! The DCC Adventure Magazine and News zine from Mystic Bull Games is looking to start up volume two of their life, and have invited you to help them make this dream into a reality!
Check out the D.A.M.N. Kickstarter that is currently live! They’ve already hit their goal, sot the book WILL be coming out, but we want to help make the first Dungeon Crawl Classics zine’s campaign a huge success! They are currently trying to reach the stretch goal where they will have DCC’s own Stefan Poag do an alternate cover for the latest issue!
And if you haven’t already got them, we’ve got the first two issues in our online store. Check out D.A.M.N. #1 and D.A.M.N. #2 today!
Go support a great DCC zine! Give a D.A.M.N. contribution towards a great Kickstarter!

My name is Q’edaloop, and I like to party.