New DCC Players, Publish Your Passion!

New DCC Players, Publish Your Passion!

New to DCC? We’d like to invite you to a party . . . The party that is Third-Party Publishing! Goodman Games allows publishers to produce their own material that is fully compatible with Dungeon Crawl Classics or Mutant Crawl Classics — which means that, in addition to the wealth of material for our games produced in-house, there is an entire world of daring, original, and outside-the-box content for DCC/MCC created by...

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Five Third-Party DCC Kickstarters Now Live!

Five Third-Party DCC Kickstarters Now Live!

Five times the ‘3-P’ DCC! There are currently FIVE DCC/MCC third-party campaigns running strong right now as part of Kickstarter’s Zinequest. All month long Kickstarter has been featuring indie designers and publishers as part of their celebration of all things ‘zine’ — wildly inventive work from creators outside the mainstream! The amount of Goodman Games compatible kickstarters has been...

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So You Want To Be An MCC or DCC Third-Party Publisher?

So You Want To Be An MCC or DCC Third-Party Publisher?

Did you know that Goodman Games allows publishers to produce their own material that is fully compatible with Mutant Crawl Classics or Dungeon Crawl Classics? It’s true! We offer a formal license and an official logo to attach to your product to show that it is something that will work with our games—and we charge a fair price for it, too. Free. That’s right! The MCC/DCC license is totally free and at no expense to the publisher! And...

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Support MCC “Mysteries of the Multiverse” Third Party Kickstarter

Support MCC “Mysteries of the Multiverse” Third Party Kickstarter

Return to the multiverse where merchants dwell! It’s time to explore the Mysteries of the Multiverse! Mysteries of the Multiverse is the follow-up to the hit Merchants of the Multiverse zine from Dragon Peak Publishing. Not only does it expand upon the offerings from the original book, but it also presents a brand-new 1st-level adventure for Mutant Crawl Classics! Here are some details on each book, straight from the...

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The Valley Out of Time Parts 3 & 4 DCC 3rd Party Kickstarter Now Live

The Valley Out of Time Parts 3 & 4 DCC 3rd Party Kickstarter Now Live

It’s time to venture once more into The Valley Out Of Time! The middle two parts of the 6-part Valley Out of Time series are now on Kickstarter! This third-party DCC/MCC adventure series takes its inspiration from the classic “caveman” style adventures of yesteryear (and we love a good caveman story). Skeeter Green Productions continues the series that got off to a great start with Welcome to the Valley and Exploring...

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The Gongfarmer Militia 3rd Party DCC Kickstarter Now Live!

The Gongfarmer Militia 3rd Party DCC Kickstarter Now Live!

Add some extra-special something to your hirelings with The Gongfarmer Militia! Fresh from Jonathan Sullivan and Per Aspera Games comes The Gongfarmer Militia, a third party Dungeon Crawl Classics-compatible zine that expands on the DCC rules for hirelings and followers. The Gongfarmer Militia kickstarter campaign was fully-funded within hours, and the stretch goal ladder — including even more unique hirelings created by guest...

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AEON: Ancient Greece Volume 3 “Monsters of Myth” 3rd Party DCC Kickstarter Now Live

AEON: Ancient Greece Volume 3 “Monsters of Myth” 3rd Party DCC Kickstarter Now Live

It’s time to return to ancient Greece! Aeon is back with an all-new 3rd party Kickstarter! Everybody loves a good monster book, and the myths of ancient Greece had some of the best monsters of all time. And AEON: Ancient Greece Volume 3 “Monsters of Myth” is bringing you three dozen of them in all their glory! Here are some details, straight from the Kickstarter: Whether your campaign takes place in our Ancient Greek...

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Community Publisher Profile: Gaming Honors

Community Publisher Profile: Gaming Honors

Goodman Games recently sat down with the group from Gaming Honors to discuss all things gaming. From their quirky third party titles like Dwellings & Driveways: Keep on the Cul-de-Sac, to their hit new podcast Honor Among Thieves, to their fond memories of victories secured at Gen Con Team Tournament 2018 and how moving adventures online has changed their gaming, Gaming Honors reveals what keeps their game-fires burning. Who are...

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“The Time-Lost Citadel” 3rd Party MCC Kickstarter Now Live

“The Time-Lost Citadel” 3rd Party MCC Kickstarter Now Live

Holster your zap gun and strap on your sonic saber as Old Mars gives up its secrets! Journey on a Sword and Planet adventure inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs and Flash Gordon; travel to a strange alien world home to ancient civilizations, brutal environments, and the clash of high tech weaponry with savage steel. Fresh from Louis Hoefer comes “The Time-Lost Citadel” a standalone sequel to “Seekers of the...

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“The Hangman’s Garden” 3rd Party DCC Kickstarter Now Live

“The Hangman’s Garden” 3rd Party DCC Kickstarter Now Live

They had a special show last night on Twitch to launch their newest Kickstarter, and it’s already fully funded and going strong! We’re talking about Smoking Wyrm Monograph 2: The Hangman’s Garden, the new introductory adventure from Blind Visionary Publications. And it’s written by some guy named Dieter Zimmerman—that name is really familiar for some reason… Let’s look at info straight from the...

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Support the “Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale” DCC Kickstarter!

Support the “Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale” DCC Kickstarter!

If you tuned in yesterday to the launch stream of Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale, then you already know all about this cool new kickstarter from Purple Sorcerer Games — and in less than 24 hours it’s already fully-funded and has started climbing that stretch-goal ladder! So just what is the Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale kickstarter all about? A thrilling Dungeon Crawl Classics jungle adventure also offered in...

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Publish DCC and MCC Compatible Supplements On Your Own

Publish DCC and MCC Compatible Supplements On Your Own

Did you know that Goodman Games allows publishers to produce their own material that is fully compatible with Dungeon Crawl Classics or Mutant Crawl Classics? It’s true! We offer a formal license and an official logo to attach to your product to show that it is something that will work with our games—and we charge a fair price for it, too. Free. Check out some recent releases like The Stennard Courier, Scions of the Computarchs, or...

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