Support the “Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale” DCC Kickstarter!

If you tuned in yesterday to the launch stream of Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale, then you already know all about this cool new kickstarter from Purple Sorcerer Games — and in less than 24 hours it’s already fully-funded and has started climbing that stretch-goal ladder!

So just what is the Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale kickstarter all about?

  • A thrilling Dungeon Crawl Classics jungle adventure also offered in thoughtfully converted 5th Edition and ‘OSR Compatible’ versions! (In both PDF and POD print).
  • Pledge for either the Basic Version of the adventure, which contains the full 1st level adventure Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale, along with stretch goal goodies like paper miniatures and a poster pack. 
  • Or level up to the Expanded Version, which adds a host of new material to the adventure to become A Field Guide to the Great Jungle. Additional content includes the history of the Great Jungle, sandbox mechanics to challenge your players as they explore its endless dark, extra stretch goal goodies, and more! The POD print version of the Field Guide is unique to this Kickstarter: it will never be available later on DriveThruRPG to the general public. (The Field Guide in PDF form, and the basic adventure in POD/PDF, won’t be available for general purchase until early 2023… so backers get roughly a six month jump on access).
  • At higher pledge levels, you will also have the opportunity to place your own mark on the Great Jungle by adding content to the Field Guide: describe a unique villager that inhabits the village of Sunggal, or create a description/location/encounter to intrigue or bedevil players as they explore the endless morass!

Dread Specters of the Shrieking Vale is the first in a planned trilogy of adventures exploring the hidden depths and ancient secrets of the Great Jungle, a place full of new environments and encounters of friend and foe a like, all inspired by the folklore of Southeast Asia.

So what are you waiting for — the Great Jungle’s terrible secrets await!

Author: admin

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