The Count Dante Tournament Rating System – Updated Through 2022!

The Count Dante Tournament Rating System – Updated Through 2022!

The Count Dante Tournament Rating System – Updated Through 2022! Every year we run a huge DCC team tournament. Because tournament modules are played over a large sample of tables and judges, we are able to quantify their danger level. Based on this quantification we have a rating system to use as a guide when selecting your next adventure to run: The Count Dante Tournament Rating System! The Count Dante Tournament Rating System uses a...

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The Glory of the Doom Gong Grows Each Year

The Glory of the Doom Gong Grows Each Year

It spells Doom for the many, but Immortal Glory for a select few… It lay dormant for years, its dark energies coalescing in a stifling miasma of dread. But, almost at the point when its brazen peels of doom were forgotten in the hearts of mortals, the ebon arch was seen once more, its flank aglisten in a crimson wash, and the sonorous sounds of defeat and destruction again shivered the air at Gen Con. For it was at Gen Con 2022...

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Gen Con DCC Tournament Closing Ceremonies Now On YouTube!

Gen Con DCC Tournament Closing Ceremonies Now On YouTube!

Congratulations to the winners of the DCC Gen Con 2022 Tournament! Maybe you couldn’t be there, or maybe you just want to relive the moment — now you can celebrate the Closing Ceremonies for the DCC Return to the Starless Sea Gen Con 2022 Tournament on YouTube! Many vied for the top spots, but only few survived the perils that awaited them to emerge victorious. Our Closing Ceremonies honor the best teams at this...

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Hail The Champions Tom, Chris, Roger, Mike, and Jan!

Hail The Champions Tom, Chris, Roger, Mike, and Jan!

Let’s call them out by name. Chris Bissette. Tom Colley. Mike Kenyon. Roger Penny. Jan Pierskalla. These are your Champions. They are the team members of I Haven’t Had Enough Coffee for This!, the winners of the Gen Con 2022 DCC RPG Open Team Tournament. Of the nearly 200 teams that competed, they endured, battled, and ultimately came out on top. You can read all about it in our post about the final round, and even get all of...

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The Return to the Return of the Starless Sea

The Return to the Return of the Starless Sea

The Return to the Return of the Starless Sea by Terry Olson Hail, Reavers! The author of the article and tournament judge, Terry Olson This year was Goodman Games’ official return to Gen Con, and with that, the return of the Gen Con DCC RPG tournament! Speaking of “returns,” this year’s tournament, which was the largest in Goodman Games’ history (198 players!), was Return to the Starless Sea. Those of you with good memories will...

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Gen Con 2022 Tournament Statistics

Gen Con 2022 Tournament Statistics

DCC Open 2022 Return to the Starless Sea Tournament Results At Gen Con 2022, Goodman Games returned in person to run our largest DCC RPG team tournament to date, Return to the Starless Sea. This year’s tournament saw a record 198 players across 47 teams compete in the team funnel tournament format – where five player teams consisted of multiple 0-level PCs controlled by each player. Over the course of three days and two hard-fought...

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Final Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

Final Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

The 2022 Gen Con DCC RPG Team Open Tournament has concluded! Many teams entered, but only five made it to the final round where they battled against each other to determine who would come away with the championship belts this year. When the dust had settled and the wounds bandaged, one team rose above the others to take their place as the champions! Congratulations goes out to team I Haven’t Had Enough Coffee for This! for...

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Fifth Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

Fifth Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

We now have the results from the fifth (and final) flight of the first round! It was a hard-fought battle, but in the end, one team came out on top…by not dying. Good thing they chose the name they did! As with the other rounds, the first place team advances, with the second place team as the alternate. So without further ado, here are the results from the fifth flight: Team NameJudgeFinal ScoreTeam Don’t DieTim...

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Fourth Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

Fourth Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

We now have the results from the fourth flight! This round saw the biggest difference between the first-place team and the one that finished with the lowest score. (Wow, Judge Jim Skach, you are a tough taskmaster!) Yet, the top two were still within five points of each other. As with the other rounds, the first place team advances, with the second place team as the alternate. So without further ado, here are the results from the...

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Third Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

Third Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

We now have the results from the third flight! The scores from the first flight of day two of the Goodman Games Open Team Tournament are in! And like the flights before them, this one saw a closely fought battle for the top spot. The first place team advances, with the second place team as the alternate. So without further ado, here are the results from the third flight: Team NameJudgeFinal ScoreI Haven’t Had Enough Coffee...

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Second Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

Second Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

We now have the results from the second flight! We’ve got the scores from this afternoon’s flight of the Goodman Games Open Team Tournament. Just like the first flight, the winners squeaked out a narrow win, advancing them to the next round. The first place team advances, with the second place team as the alternate. So without further ado, here are the results from the second flight: Team NameJudgeFinal ScoreThe Live...

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First Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

First Flight Results From The Gen Con DCC Tournament!

The first flight results are in! We’ve got the scores from this morning’s first flight on the Goodman Games Open Team Tournament. Everyone did an amazing job, and we hope that the players had as much fun as the judges. The first place team advances, with the second place team as the alternate. So without further ado, here are the results from the first flight: Team NameJudgeFinal ScoreTake Off Every ZigguratTim...

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