It spells Doom for the many, but Immortal Glory for a select few…
It lay dormant for years, its dark energies coalescing in a stifling miasma of dread. But, almost at the point when its brazen peels of doom were forgotten in the hearts of mortals, the ebon arch was seen once more, its flank aglisten in a crimson wash, and the sonorous sounds of defeat and destruction again shivered the air at Gen Con. For it was at Gen Con 2022 that the Doom Gong arose once again from the underworld to chill the hearts of assembled gamers — and promise immortality for the select few tournament winners that survived to rise to the top!
Indeed, not only has the Doom Gong announced the demise of many a tournament goer throughout the land (even manifesting itself overseas in an altered form!), but, for those fortunate enough and skilled enough to survive the harrows of competitive DCC RPG to emerge victorious, the Gong fulfills a different role. For upon these sinister ebon pillars the immortal roll call of the honored winners of recent tournaments, both at in-person conventions and online, is enshrined for all time!
At Gen Con 2022 we added all of the plaques of our recent winners from 2019, 2020, and 2021 to the newly reawakened Doom Gong, and we wanted to share the up-to-date photo with you below:
Tournament winners of years past have their feats forever inscribed on the Doom Gong, for they are truly masters of all that malice and chance can throw at them! Below are close-up details of the most recent plaques to be added to the Gong, before they were fixed in place for all time in a powerful ceremony of binding.
As more winners get added in coming years, the Doom Gong’s glory will continue to grow! Perhaps your own name will come to be written upon its immortal stone!
The Gong of Doom is alive and well, and it’s glory grows with every tournament! Be sure to check out the full list of winners on the Goodman Games tournament page!