T-Shirts Shipped for Empire of the Cyclops Con

T-Shirts Shipped for Empire of the Cyclops Con

Now that the Spawn and her newfound love have made it past their first Valentine’s Day, they are pleased to announce that their appointed minions have completed the task set to them and printed all of the shirts from Empire of the Cyclops Con! Not only that, but they went ahead and shipped them out to everyone who ordered one. Those two have some great subordinates under their collective paws and hooves! This means that both the...

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Watch The Empire of the Cyclops Con Playlist on YouTube

Watch The Empire of the Cyclops Con Playlist on YouTube

If you missed out on the fun of Empire of the Cyclops Con, there is still a way to experience a taste of what happened the first weekend in November. We’ve uploaded several videos to YouTube, replaying many of the key events of the con. From the Opening Ceremonies clear through to the Closing Ceremonies we pepper in some highlights from the show—and there are more to come! We’ll be uploading more videos from the con over...

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Announcing the Winners of the 2021 Goodie Awards

Announcing the Winners of the 2021 Goodie Awards

The Dark Master and some friends hosted a special show where they handed out the honorifics to all of this year’s recipients. And not only were these recommendations from the Goodman Games staff, but this year we opened up nominations to the public at large! Be sure to watch the video below to get all of the details, and let’s all raise a glass to the winners of the 2021 Goodie Awards! 2021 Goodie Award Recipients Hugh Kaserman,...

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Empire of the Cyclops Con Charity Auction Raises Over $4,000 for Franklin Food Bank

Empire of the Cyclops Con Charity Auction Raises Over $4,000 for Franklin Food Bank

Once again we want to thank you for making Empire of the Cyclops Con such a success. Auctioneer Jim Kitchen outdid himself hosting the events, as did the fans. Not only did it raise more than $4,000 for charity, but it was also a hilariously good time. We’re sending a check to the Franklin Food Bank thanks to your generous donations! The auction featured a ton of amazing products, including signed modules, a fantastic vest...

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Announcing the Results of the Save Xcrawl Tournament

Announcing the Results of the Save Xcrawl Tournament

Thanks to the efforts of so many players, we are pleased to announce that…Xcrawl is saved! This past weekend at Empire of the Cyclops Con the Goodman Games Open Tournament returned with the Save Xcrawl event. After much showmanship and slashing, a final team was found to be triumphant, and we’re here to announce the winning team: The Punxsutawney Painiacs! The Painiacs defeated The Aquabats in the final round to be crowned...

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Last Chance for Empire of the Cyclops Con Specials!

Last Chance for Empire of the Cyclops Con Specials!

The Empire has been established, and The Spawn now rules on her throne! And she has decreed that there are several items that are meant for her subjects to enjoy as celebration—but they will not be around for much longer! This is your last chance to grab some of the items that were released for Empire of the Cyclops Con! The two shirts on this list are being printed to order, and will not be available after the fact. All three items...

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Empire of the Cyclops Con is a Wrap

Empire of the Cyclops Con is a Wrap

You came! You gamed! YOU CONQUERED! A huge thank you to everyone who participated in Empire of the Cyclops Con! Over the weekend we had hundreds of gamers playing dozens of games and searching a whole Empire for lots of secrets and in general having a massive amount of fun! New names will be added to the Gong of Doom thanks to those who played in the Save Xcrawl! Tournament, while an empire was won at the Attack of the Reaver Horde...

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Sunday’s Schedule for Empire of the Cyclops Con

Sunday’s Schedule for Empire of the Cyclops Con

AS THE LAND FALLS TO THE CYCLOPS’ FORCES, JOIN US FOR THE FINAL DAY OF THE EMPIRE OF THE CYCLOPS CON! Proud Pappa Cyclops and his adorably conquest-minded Spawn have ravaged the lands in order to bring gamers a convention like no other! But before we detail everything you can expect from today’s convention, the Cyclops wants Con attendees to know that everyone signed up for Empire of the Cyclops Con is eligible to win free...

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Saturday Night Social Hour Is Tonight!

Saturday Night Social Hour Is Tonight!

Tonight from 9:00-11:00 p.m. EST, don’t miss Saturday Night Social Hour! Gaming conventions aren’t JUST about games! We also love to attend them to see old friends, meet new ones, and generally socialize with like-minded folks. Which is why Empire of the Cyclops Con has the Saturday Night Social Hour on the schedule! Come hang out with us and have a drink tonight from 9:00-11:00 p.m. EST in the Inn of the Slumbering Drake...

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Saturday’s Schedule for Empire of the Cyclops Con

Saturday’s Schedule for Empire of the Cyclops Con

THE WORLD TREMBLES BENEATH THE HOOVES OF THE SPAWN! WELCOME TO DAY TWO OF EMPIRE OF THE CYCLOPS CON! The Cyclops is so proud of his daughter after yesterday’s amazing start at imperial dominion, and he just couldn’t wait to give everyone an overview of what to expect today. So let’s start with the Twitch schedule for Saturday. Twitch Schedule for Saturday, November 6 View them all at the Goodman Games Official Twitch...

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Everyone Can Join the Live In-Con Experience!

Everyone Can Join the Live In-Con Experience!

Empire of the Cyclops Con is happening RIGHT NOW! And the best news is that you can be a part of it, totally for free! Our In-Con Experience lets you roam about the Empire Map, visit friends at The Inn of the Slumbering Drake, and even check out the vendors and artists at The Citadel of the Cyclops—and anyone can be a part of it! That’s right! All you have to do is follow the link to the In-Con Experience, create your avatar in...

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The Top Fifty Reasons to Attend the Charity Auction Tonight

The Top Fifty Reasons to Attend the Charity Auction Tonight

The Goodman Games crew has been hard at work raiding their attic lairs and spelunking their subterranean vaults to come up with the coolest, most utterly unique, most staggeringly one-of-a-kind items for our Empire of the Cylops Con Auction! Our artists, designers, authors, staff, and contributors of all kinds have dug deep into their personal collections and found an amazing array of curiosities and special items you just...

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