Best Selling DCC Zines of 2020

Top 10 DCC Zines of 2020

Hey, did you know there is a free license for creators to make their own Dungeon Crawl Classics (and/or Mutant Crawl Classics) compatible products? You can find a lot of those Third Party products in our online store, since we know that our fans can never get enough DCC and MCC RPG material for their ongoing campaigns. This is also a great way for publishers to expand their reach and find a bigger audience. That’s a win-win in our book.

And speaking of books … every year we compile a list of the best-selling third-party DCC items, so fans can see what has been popular with other fans—and this year is no exception! Traditionally, we compiled our top sellers list based on the overall product line–in other words, counting the sales numbers for every issue of a particular zine. This of course strongly favors ‘zines with a longer publication history, so this year we thought we’d do things a little differently.

Our 2020 Best Sellers are based on the sales of individual issues instead of all of the issues of the overall ‘zine — doing it this way ensures that some of our newer ‘zines get a chance to shine in our year-end list. And since many of our ‘zines have multiple issues in the overall Top 10, we’ve gone ahead and listed them after each of their highest selling issues. And of course you can check out the complete run of each zine as well as the issues shown below.

OK, enough with the criteria: Here’s the top 10 list for DCC/MCC zines sold in our webstore in 2020:

#1 Crawl! #6

The very first DCC ‘zine continues to go from strength to strength, Not only did its sixth issue come in at number one, but issues #9, #2, #12, #10, #5, and #1 didn’t place much further behind.

Check out the complete run of the classic DCC fanzine Crawl! right here

#2 Back to BasiX #10 (Sold Out)

Sure, it isn’t DCC, but our #2 Best Seller Back to BasiX # 10 is strong proof of the resurgence of interest in Old School Gaming. This is the final issue of a terrific ‘zine dedicated to all things Basic and Expert edition of Dungeons & Dragons

For maximum Old School Goodness, check out these issues of Back to BasiX in our online store.

#3 Skull & Crossbones Classics #1

Turn your DCC RPG game into a high seas adventure during the Golden Age of piracy! Eye-patch and peg leg not included.

#4 The Hexanomicon

The Hexanomicon is a setting generator using stickers of hex map terrain and encounters and radomizer tables to determine the contents of your map hexes.

#5 Rabid Dogs

We’re always looking for some supplementary material for our DCC games — and this one lets you try your hand at the Canine Character Class!

#6 Tales From the Smoking Wyrm #1, (Risograph Edition)

A ‘zine that celebrates the long history of fanzines, not only is it full of supplemental material for your DCC games, but the limited edition Risograph is printed from long-lasting materials calling to mind the classic D&D books of yesteryear. Includes a gatefold center that spreads out nicely on the table.

#7 Phantasmagoria #2

Sword, meet Planet. Expanding on the first issue, Phantasmagoria #2 introduces spaceship combat, powerful 1d30 artifacts, varied prosthetics, and a system to generate new planets, solar systems, and enemies. Just edged out Issue #3 to take our seventh spot in the list.

#8 Meanderings #4

Reavers, Swords, Sorcery, and Shirts of Red — great new rules for use with DCC sword-and-sorcery adventures.

#9 Obscura Zine #1 (Sold Out)

Celebrating that Old School spirit in gaming, the first issue introduces new rules, monsters, tables, and spells for DCC and other games that preserve the classic style.

#10 Akashic Titan

Time to add some enormous, trans-solar, magical metal behemoths to your DCC campaign. Everything you need for titans, their pilots, various Bands that control them, and Akashic Titan-specific settings.

Once you have gotten a taste for our most popular ‘zines, check out yesterday’s post on the Top DCC Third Party Supplements of 2020 for a look at the other side of the coin.

Or maybe you really want to try your hand at creating something for DCC or MCC? If so, check out our post on how to be a third party publisher.

And this is just a small sample of what is available. We’ve got a ton of great product from other folks on our site, and we encourage you to check out everything from all of our Third Party Publishers!

Author: jmcdevitt

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