Two New DCC Zines in the Online Store!


There are some amazing Third-Party Publishers turning out new material for Dungeon Crawl Classics. We couldn’t be more proud to share that material with you folks as they become available.

This is going to be a big Third-Party week. We’ve got everything from powerful snails to Fey to talking zebras to bio-enhanced warriors! And we start with two new zines that are now available in our Online Store!


Meanderings #3

This digest sized zine returns with a new issue featuring 24 pages of material. Let’s look at some of this issue’s highlights!

  • A review of Mike Evan’s Hubris campaign setting
  • A Treatise on the tools of the trade for Thieves
  • New Weapon styles: Cloak & Blade as well as Sword & Scabbard
  • House rules for Clerics
  • New uses for Luck, including using Luck Defensively
  • Three new magic weapons to rival Wave, Whelm, and Black Razor
  • Crowd Surfing, using the senses to bring a city alive
  • A new Class for the Bastion setting; The Graft, a weird bio-enhanced warrior for hire; as well as the Umbral Market covering the bio-organic grafts known as bioarcana
  • The next set of Zeroes to Heroes paperminis bring a new slew of characters, including the gongfarmer

Be sure to check it out! And don’t forget Meanderings #1 and Meanderings #2, both available now!

Crepuscular #1 -- 600 wide

Crepuscular #1

A brand-new 48-page comic-sized adventure ‘zine written and illustrated by Joshua LH Burnett! What do you get in the first issue?

The Sanctum of the Snail is a 0-level adventure that pits your would-be characters against the sea and whatever it is that lies behind that weird door on the island….

In addition to the adventure, this first issue of Crepuscular also includes:

  • Blorgamorg, the Chthonic Snail: a new patron, complete with spells
  • New magic items
  • The adventures of Moonblossom & Chance
  • 30 NPC henchmen for hire

You can find Crepuscular #1 here!

We’ve got more coming this week, so keep checking back! Remember, you can always check out the latest DCC Zines in our Online Store!

And if you want to know the complete history of the DCC Zine, we wrote an article about it!


Author: pandabrett

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