Hyborian Age World Building

Hyborian Age World Building

Hyborian Age World Building by Bill Ward Robert E. Howard, pioneer of sword & sorcery fiction, creator of Conan and Solomon Kane, author of scores of stories across half a dozen genres or more, is rightly praised as a master of pacing, a crafter of visceral action, and a writer of vivid and poetic prose. What often goes unremarked, even among his ardent fans, is Howard’s impressive achievement as a world-builder, namely in the...

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Where to Start With Robert E. Howard

Where to Start With Robert E. Howard

Where to Start With Robert E. Howard by Bill Ward Robert E. Howard (1906-1936) was a giant and a father to giants, his literary creations so potent that they have informed popular culture and permeated mass consciousness down to the present day. But their very ubiquity can obscure and deceive – if two people strike up a conversation about Conan, are they actually talking about the same Conan? What’s going on with all of these...

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Short Sorcery: Clark Ashton Smith’s “The Last Incantation”

Short Sorcery: Clark Ashton Smith’s “The Last Incantation”

Short Sorcery: Clark Ashton Smith’s “The Last Incantation” by Bill Ward Clark Ashton Smith’s first great literary love, his calling even, was poetry. His artistic inclinations, the themes and images that fired his blood, were for the fantastical, the mythic, and the wildly imaginative.   But fever dreams of baroque lands and sinister sorcery were fast becoming passe among the literary mainstream of his time, and so...

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Where to Start With Clark Ashton Smith

Where to Start With Clark Ashton Smith

Where to Start With Clark Ashton Smith by Bill Ward ‘Barrier to entry’ can be a very real thing standing between newer audiences and writers of the past. Readers used to today’s marketing categories or publication norms can easily be overwhelmed when trying to get a handle on something like the prodigious short fiction of a pulp-era writer with a convoluted publication history. Likewise, they might find themselves...

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Appendix N Cinema Premieres Tonight!

Appendix N Cinema Premieres Tonight!

Tonight is movie night. Not a new movie, mind you, but a film that finds itself rooted in the annals of Appendix N. Join us tonight for Appendix N Cinema! Hosts: Thorin ‘SonOvThrain’ Thompson and Clay Liford Appendix N Cinema premieres tonight at 8 pm EST. Join our co-hosts and fellow movie nerds Thorin ‘SonOvThrain’ Thompson and Clay Liford as they watch, discuss, and breakdown fantasy/SciFi films. Just like the original...

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DCC Days Online Seminar: Sword & Sorcery of Appendix N

DCC Days Online Seminar: Sword & Sorcery of Appendix N

As most of you likely know, the roots of Dungeon Crawl Classics are seated in the depths of Appendix N. This section of the AD&D Player’s Handbook lists some of the influences that Gary Gygax credits towards the creation of Dungeons and Dragons.  And it’s also something we like to talk about. One of our most popular seminars at DCC Days Online was Sword & Sorcery of Appendix N. At this seminar, our own Dark Master—Joseph...

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Joseph Goodman Sits In On Appendix N Book Club Podcast

Joseph Goodman Sits In On Appendix N Book Club Podcast

The Dark Master has spoken! No, seriously, our own Dark Master—aka, Joseph Goodman—sat in on the most recent Appendix N Book Club Podcast. This particular episode focused on Abraham Merrit’s The Moon Pool, but the episode talks about all of Appendix N and its impact on RPGs—a subject near and dear to our Dark Master’s heart. And Joseph goes into the impetus behind the creation of Dungeon Crawl Classics, and what set...

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The Last Great Mystery of Appendix N: EC Comics

The Last Great Mystery of Appendix N: EC Comics

The Last Great Mystery of Appendix N: EC Comics By Joseph Goodman Today, March 1, would be the 97th birthday of William Gaines if he were still alive. William Gaines is a name not familiar to most D&D and DCC fans, but perhaps it should be, for his body of work is explicitly named in Appendix N. William Maxwell Gaines was the publisher and co-editor of EC Comics, the legendary 1940’s-era publisher of Tales From The Crypt,...

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What is Appendix N?

What is Appendix N?

The story of Appendix N goes with Dungeon Crawl Classics like fish and water. Peanut butter and jelly. Robert E. Howard and Conan. But what exactly IS Appendix N? Appendix N is the list of books that inspired Gary Gygax to create D&D. This bibliography first appeared as an appendix in the AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide—specifically, Appendix N—which is why the list is known by that name. To write DCC RPG, author Joseph Goodman...

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Appendix N Mini-Comics by Stefan Poag!

Appendix N Mini-Comics by Stefan Poag!

Yes we’re a gaming company, but we’re heavily inspired by the works of Appendix N and great art—and sometimes our interests stray a bit toward those inspirations. Can you blame us? Today we’ve got two new additions to the online store. We’re happy to announce two mini-comics by Stefan Poag! Many of you will know Stefan’s name from the pages of Dungeon Crawl Classics, where his illustrations regularly appear. You may...

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What is Appendix N?

What is Appendix N?

The story of Appendix N goes with Dungeon Crawl Classics like fish and water. Peanut butter and jelly. Robert E. Howard and Conan. But what exactly IS Appendix N? Appendix N is the list of books that inspired Gary Gygax to create D&D. This bibliography first appeared as an appendix in the AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide—specifically, Appendix N—which is why the list is known by that name. To write DCC RPG, author Joseph Goodman...

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New Pulp Magazines Now Available!

New Pulp Magazines Now Available!

We have some new pulp magazines! Well, technically, they’re old pulp magazines. Still, they’re new to our store, so…we have new old pulp magazines! Goodman Games has always been proud of our connection to Appendix N, the fabled section of Dungeons and Dragons that explained the influences on the game. Dungeon Crawl Classics was founded upon those books, and what they represent in the fantasy genre. And to that end,...

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