Support The Brimstone Cradle & The Hills That Hunger Kickstarter

Support The Brimstone Cradle & The Hills That Hunger Kickstarter

T’was the night before Christmas, and while you may not have a warm roof over your heads, you have merriment in your hearts. Too far to make it to town before the sun fell, you made camp and caroled while fixing a warm supper over the campfire. But a few meager hours past midnight and into an early Christmas morning, the snow began to fall hard. The snowstorm put out the campfire and threatened to collapse your tents. Y’all broke camp...

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Collect All the Prize Stickers At Empire of the Cyclops Con!

Collect All the Prize Stickers At Empire of the Cyclops Con!

The Empire of the Cyclops Con is upon us! Tomorrow the campaign begins to win a kingdom and have some fun—not necessarily in that order. Did you know we have a live In-Con experience for Empire of the Cyclops Con? It’s an interactive digital community using the Gather.Town platform (which you may know from previous cons), and like previous cons, the world contains a puzzle! We previously showed you the map of the world and now...

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Mutant High School, 2021 Yearbook, Road Crew Stickers, and Other New Releases in Our Online Store!

Mutant High School, 2021 Yearbook, Road Crew Stickers, and Other New Releases in Our Online Store!

It’s the week of Empire of the Cyclops Con! And to help celebrate its arrival, we’ve got a bevy of new releases now in our online store! From Mutant High School to a map of the convention to pre-orders of the newest Goodman Games Yearbook and some great t-shirts, there’s a lot to celebrate! Plus we have the latest stickers for members of the Road Crew! Let’s take a look! Mutant High School – Print + PDF Toxic...

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Convention Specials for Empire of the Cyclops Con

Convention Specials for Empire of the Cyclops Con

One of the best things about Empire of the Cyclops Con will be the live In-Con experience that will have you directly interacting with fans, creators, artists, and vendors. It’s like an in-person con, but virtual, with you using an avatar to explore the map and the world as a whole. And to keep with that In-Con experience, the vendors for Empire of the Cyclops Con are offering some amazing deals—including Goodman Games!...

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Goodman Games Celebrates 20 Years!

Goodman Games Celebrates 20 Years!

It’s been twenty years since Joseph Goodman first decided to publish a role-playing product, and what a wild ride it’s been! So to celebrate, we’re giving you something…for free! You read that right! We’re celebrating the start of our 20th year in business! Through the years we’ve seen things come and go and rode out the wild ride that is the RPG industry. And we have you folks to thank for lasting...

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Order Your Halloween Adventure In PDF Today

Order Your Halloween Adventure In PDF Today

It’s scary how close we are to Halloween! And that makes it a perfect time to plan some frighteningly good fun with your gaming group! Halloween is upon us… 5 days away to be exact! But that’s plenty of time to get prepped for your Halloween exploits! Head on over to our DCC Horror PDF page to grab an adventure of the macabre to plan out your Halloween game. The latest addition to the DCC Horror line is It Consumes!...

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Only a Few Seats Left for Save Xcrawl Tournament

Only a Few Seats Left for Save Xcrawl Tournament

As of this writing, there are only a dozen slots left open for this year’s DCC Open Tournament! If you are going to help Save Xcrawl, you’ll have to sign up now before all the slots are filled up! With the Empire threatening to take Xcrawl out of the public sphere and make it a military-only training tool, the nation is in an uproar. Now the Oracle of Key West makes a startling pronouncement: the Gods of Olympus...

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Unearthing David Drake’s “The Barrow Troll”

Unearthing David Drake’s “The Barrow Troll”

Unearthing David Drake’s “The Barrow Troll” by Brian Murphy Twelve years ago I wrote a piece on David Drake’s The Barrow Troll for the late, lamented The Cimmerian website. My own interest re-piqued in this tale after mentioning it among ten recommended sword-and-sorcery tales for the haunting season, I have taken the opportunity to unearth that piece, and update and revise with the latest news on it and its author. “You...

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Free RPG Day is Tomorrow!

Free RPG Day is Tomorrow!

The time is nigh! The next time the sun rises in the United States, it will be Free RPG Day! This year Goodman Games is releasing both Tomb of the Savage Kings for DCC RPG by Stephen Newton, and Fifth Edition Fantasy: The Sunken Tower of Set for 5E by Chris Doyle (which ties into the classic Dark Tower module). These two adventures are exciting explorations into classic-style dungeon crawling and are brand new material...

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A Preview of DCC Horror #7: It Consumes!

A Preview of DCC Horror #7: It Consumes!

A brand new horror module just in time for Halloween! DCC Horror #7: It Consumes! is the newest module in our series of darkly-themed modules that are perfect for the spooky season that is upon us. This time out, author Thorin Thompson takes us into a frozen village that has something…wrong. You can’t quite place it at first, but you can feel the horror eating away at you. Consuming you—and your friends. And we’ve got a special...

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Free RPG Day “Sunken Temple of Set” Preview Show Airs Today

Free RPG Day “Sunken Temple of Set” Preview Show Airs Today

Free RPG Day is tomorrow! It’s your chance to grab tons of great products from a great selection of publishers, and Goodman Games is right at the heart of it. If you want to get a sneak peek at tomorrow’s release, we’ve got something special for you! Today at 3:00 pm EST we are hosting a special event over on Twitch to get everyone prepared for Free RPG Day, happening Saturday, October 16th at stores across the US....

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Support “Seekers of the Un-K’Nown” New MCC Third Party Kickstarter

Support “Seekers of the Un-K’Nown” New MCC Third Party Kickstarter

From Dandyline Games and author Louis Hoefer comes an exciting new ‘zine that takes your Mutant Crawl Classics game to the next level! It is The Stuff of Legend… Right now over on Kickstarter, you can provide support to help make Seekers of the Un-K’Nown a reality and add another layer to the world of MCC RPG. Here’s a description of the book, straight from the Kickstarter campaign: You have heard it told: during the...

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