Purple Sorcerer Unleashes New DCC Kickstarter!

There’s something going on in Cadaver Canyon…something ominous. And this is your chance to find out what it is!

The fine folks at Purple Sorcerer have kicked off their new Kickstarter for The Crypt in Cadaver Canyon, the latest adventure by Mark Bishop. This third-party adventure is meant for Dungeon Crawl Classics, and is sure to match Mark’s previous efforts.

From the Kickstarter:

The Crypt in Cadaver Canyon challenges 4-6 2nd level adventurers to save a hidden desert city (along with its cursed inhabitants) from the wrath of a devious and chaotic god. Its 48 digest-sized pages are packed with dangerous environments, exotic threats, and a world-shaking finale with thousands of lives on the line! 

In addition, there are some great stretch goals for this project, which includes getting cover art from some Goodman Games stalwarts, Stefen Poag and Peter Mullen!

But that’s not all….

This new Kickstarter also will see the creation of The Sullenlands Adventure Omnibus and Guide. Combining all three of Mark’s adventures—Nebin Pendlebrook’s Perilous PantryThe Frost Fang Expedition, and The Crypt in Cadaver Canyon—into a single volume, this book has the chance to go much farther. Stretch goals include writing up a full setting guide for this world, a new mini-adventure, and much more!

Purple Sorcerer has been one of DCC’s third-party supporters for quite some time now, and they’ve got a great track record. The Crypt in Cadaver Canyon and The Sullenlands Adventure Omnibus and Guide are sure to carry on that tradition in the best of ways!

Show your support today!

Author: pandabrett

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