Roadworthy: Judge Evie

Welcome to Roadworthy! This is a chance to show off a Road Crew Judge and allow them to share their experience and wisdom. We provide these profiles to help provide insight into their personality and style, and maybe give up-and-coming Judges some advice on improving their game.

The Road Crew theme for 2018 is Strange New Worlds! Head out and find unique places to run games for willing participants. Do something that makes us take notice! Who knows, maybe we’ll put you up on our website. Jump on into the Road Crew program for your chance!

This time we join the youth movement. Time to meet the incomparable Judge Evie!

Roadworthy: Judge Evie

What’s your name, where do you live (and game), and how would you describe yourself?

TheDCCKidMy name is Evie Walls, and I live in North Huntingdon, PA. I am 11 years old and game at our local game club, the Norwin Game Knights. I also game at our local game store, Phantom of the Attic, or just at home! I would describe myself as friendly, but fierce. It’s all “nice Evie until the dice come out.”

How did you first discover DCC?

I started playing DCC when I was 8. My Dad was the Judge, and he ran The Portal Under the Stars. I has some pretty weird characters including Casey Ryback, and Bunnyface. Yeah weird. We played with my mom, Carrie, and our friend Frank. It was super fun! Since I was still a bit new to the concept, I asked some pretty weird things like “is death contagious?”

As of “right now,” how many Road Crew games have you run in 2017? Or 2018?

I believe I have run a total of 6 Road Crew events, 5 last year and 1 this year. I am looking forward to running many more in the future. Each one of them has been an experience I will always remember. Whether it was giving life to magical sticks in Nebin Pendlebrook’s Perilous Pantry, or my players driving cars in HECK on Inferno Road, I will never forget them.

What’s your favorite Road Crew game experience so far?

My favorite Road Crew game event that I have ran would have to be when I helped run Inferno Road at Gen Con 50. Being around other Judges that love the same thing as you do is amazing. I always look forward to running games with fellow Judges, because they are the ones who will understand you. Inferno Road was one of those scenarios.

Also, nothing is better than running a game in HECK! Absolutely nothing.

Tell us where you run your Road Crew games.

DCC TableI run most of my Road Crew games at our game club, the Norwin Game Knights. I plan on running a few games at Gen Con this year too. Tabletop Day is right around the corner, so there is another opportunity. Maybe Gary Con next year?

What advice would you give to other Road Crew judges?

My advice to other Road Crew judges would be don’t feel like you have to stick to the adventure exactly. If you are basing an adventure on cereal, don’t feel the need to keep a werewolf monster. Use a giant evil bowl of dry cereal who is evil because the milk ran out. Be creative! That is what these games are about, so go big or go home!

Author: pandabrett

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