2018 Road Crew Reset!


Hail the Road Crew!

Thanks again for being a part of the crew in 2017! Goodman Games made a lot of new fans in 2017, and we couldn’t have done it with you.

The Road Crew ran nearly 1000 games in 2017 – an amazing accomplishment.  You helped spread Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, Metamorphosis Alpha, Xcrawl, and all things Goodman to a grateful world, and brought a lot of great games to a lot of people.

So in 2018 the Crew rolls on! We want to keep rolling to every game store, convention, and school game day we can possibly hit!

We’re working on the 2018 Road Crew program right now. We’ve got some new swag on order and some cool new graphics in the works. We’ll be posting full details in a month or so. Stay tuned!

If you are scheduling and running your 2018 games now, you can go ahead and order swag now! Your Road Crew games reset on January 1st, so any games you add from now until the end of the year will count towards your 2018 Road Crew total.

And, for those wanting to know, the woodgrain nametags will be shipping at the end of February—watch for them!

Assignment 2018: Strange New Worlds

Last year saw the Road Crew invading school game days, convention halls, and many, many hobby shops. In 2018 we want to conquer new worlds . . . and we need your help!

We are looking to push beyond conventions, game stores, and game days. Do you know an unusual venue that hosts RPG events? Coffee shops, pubs and taverns, revolving restaurants—if they roll the dice, Goodman Games means to make the scene! We want to visit every weird gaming venue possible in 2018! You can help us out by telling us about the unusual gaming spaces in your area. Send any info you have to brendan@goodman-games.com! The individual who sends in the weirdest locale that manages to book a Goodman Games event wins a special prize!*

You Have Leveled Up!

Everyone who ran games in 2017 levels up! THANK YOU so much for your efforts. Thank you for running the games, sharing the passion, and telling the stories. We salute you each and every one.

Go forth and be . . . ROADWORTHY!

*How special? We don’t even know what it’s going to be yet, that’s how special. But you can check out the awesome new belt buckle at the top of this page!

Author: pandabrett

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