Roadworthy: Judge Joey Royale

Welcome to Roadworthy! This is a chance to show off a Road Crew Judge and allow them to share their experience and wisdom. We provide these profiles to help provide insight into their personality and style, and maybe give up-and-coming Judges some advice on improving their game.

The Road Crew theme for 2018 is Strange New Worlds! Head out and find unique places to run games for willing participants. Do something that makes us take notice! Who knows, maybe we’ll put you up on our website. Jump on into the Road Crew program for your chance!

This time we go to the New England area to meet Judge Joey Royale!

Roadworthy: Judge Joey Royale

What’s your name, where do you live (and game), and how would you describe yourself?

My name is Joey Royale, and I am from New London, CT.  I am a rock-and-roll werewolf, a DCC evangelizer, and public educator.  I started a local event called Drinking and Dragons where about 80 gamers take over a local tavern or event space and fight monsters while raising money for charity.

How did you first discover DCC?

was in a book store looking to buy my first role playing book ever. I saw the cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics, and that was it. Love at first sight. We are still together today, and I have never looked back.

As of “right now,” how many Road Crew games have you run in 2017? Or 2018?

seehundam a relatively new gamer having gotten into this world only two years ago. That being said, I jumped into judging quick after intense tutelage from my sensei, Judge Tim Deschene. I ran three public games in 2017, and I am at three so far for 2018.  I have my eye on that belt buckle this year, though, so watch out!

What’s your favorite Road Crew game experience so far?

Without a doubt, it is when Brendan Lasalle, Jeff Goad, Tim Deschene and the rest of our DCC crew walk through the doors of a Drinking and Dragons event. It is such a supportive and creative community, and I have established great friendships with these dudes. Just as important to me was when I got my wife and her friends to play for their first time. It was “Hole in the Sky”, and they were brutal!

Tell us where you run your Road Crew games.

When I am not running games at Drinking and Dragons, you can find me at The Citadel Game Cellar in Groton, CT and Sarge’s Comics in New London, CT. Both are top-shelf joints with awesome customer service and welcoming communities.

What advice would you give to other Road Crew judges?

Do it, just go out there and do it. Read Appendix N. Listen to Spellburn, Sanctum Secorum, and The Appendix N Podcast. Listen to Black Sabbath, Blood Ceremony, and Pentagram. I look at it like performing in a band: Judge your heart out until your eyes are bleeding, but recognize the audience is just as important as the rest of the show. Feed their hungry souls!

Author: pandabrett

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