Big Debuts At Gary Con This Weekend!


The Goodman Games crew is back on the road! This weekend we hit up one of our favorite shows!

Gary Con
March 8 – 11

GaryCon SquareGary Con is an annual game convention in Lake Geneva, WI celebrating the life and works of Gary Gygax, the Father of Role Playing Games. This is done by doing what he loved so much in life, playing Games!  Join Gary’s children, friends and fellow game enthusiasts as we celebrate a life well-played.


If you are wanting to meet up with any of the Goodman crew, this is a good place to go. We’ll have Michael Curtis, Doug Kovacs, Jim Wampler, Jon Hershberger, Jen Brinkman, Tim Wadzinski, Bob Brinkman, Brendan LaSalle, and who knows who else! And you can even game with most of them! We have more events at Gary Con than ever before.

Click Here to Download Our Full Event Grid

And if you do game in any of these events, make sure you pick up your raffle ticket! And check with the booth to see other ways you can qualify for a ticket! You’ll want as many as you can muster, as we will have our big raffle giveaway on Sunday! What will you win? Check at the booth! It’s worth seeing in person, trust us.

Speaking of seeing things at the booth, we have a TON of new product making its debut at the show. Many of these are items that fans have been salivating to get their hands on for quite a while.

Here some new releases you can look for:

Plus we’ll have these convention exclusives:

  • The Lost Dice of Lemuria and Ming’s Infernal Bones dice sets
  • Blood for the Serpent King con-exclusive module

And, as if all that weren’t enough, we’ll have advance copies of Mutant Crawl Classics air-shipped from overseas! These are exclusively for pickup for Kickstarter backers on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Finally, we’ll also have preview copies of Tales From The Magician’s Skull #1, and the new 4th printing of Dungeon Alphabet (all three covers)!

A note on picking up pre-orders and KS shipments.

Several of the items on sale at Gary Con were also available for pre-order on our web site. We unfortunately can’t allow pre-order pickup at Gary Con, since the warehouse crew back home will be preparing shipments at the exact same time Gary Con is going! But don’t worry, your pre-order copies will be going out soon.

And that’s just the product! The main thing about Gary Con is the FUN! You can’t have that without being there, so we hope to see many of you this weekend!


Author: pandabrett

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