Count Dante DCC Tees coming to Total Con and Con-Nooga!


It’s the most dangerous t-shirt alive!

This weekend we are premiering the first of our 2018 con tees, featuring the legendary Count Dante and reviving the kung fu craze of the 1970’s! It’s like you’re wearing the back of an old magazine on your chest!

Gary Con DCC shirtThis limited edition new shirt will make its debut at Total Con and ConNooga, giving the folks showing up the first chance to grab the latest design. If you can’t make those shows, it will also be available at Gary Con, with any leftovers for sale on our web site after Gary Con.

Also if you’re at Total Con or ConNooga, swing by the booth for some other great new releases! We’ll have DCC 80: Intrigue at the Court of Chaos, DCC 96: The Tower of Faces, and maybe even some other items hot off the press! We’re not saying what…we’re just saying. Y’hear what we’re saying?

Pick up your Count Dante T-Shirt this weekend in Massachusetts and Tennessee!


Author: pandabrett

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