Gary Con IX Registration Is Open
Gary Con IX will take place March 23-26 in Lake Geneva, WI, the home of E. Gary Gygax! Badge registration is now open, and Goodman Games has a lot of exciting events planned for you! EIGHTY events, to be exact, run by over a dozen judges including Brendan LaSalle, Harley Stroh, Jon Hook, Bob Brinkman, Jobe Bittman, Jim Wampler, Chris Doyle, Daniel J. Bishop, and more. In addition to the expected games of Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, Age of Cthulhu, Xcrawl, and Metamorphosis Alpha, the Goodman Games stable of judges will be running classic games and weird experiments too. We have games of 1st Edition Judges Guild, Star Frontiers, and Cyborg Commando. We have Star Wars run with DCC RPG rules, Crawling Under a Broken Moon run by its creator, a 0-level tournament, and a plethora of playtests for unpublished material including Harley Stroh’s DCC board game Warlord of the Purple Planet! And no Gary Con would be complete without the “What’s New With Goodman Games” seminar where exciting new products are often announced and Kickstarters are often launched.
Check out our entire Gary Con schedule with this convenient PDF, and register while there are still slots open!