Announcing The Franklin Food Bank as Charity Partner for Spawn of Cyclops Con

Announcing The Franklin Food Bank as Charity Partner for Spawn of Cyclops Con

Spawn of Cyclops continues the tradition that we have followed with our previous online cons by having an added benefit to go along with the fun. We are pleased to announce that our charitable partner for Spawn of Cyclops Con is the Franklin Food Bank. And now it is more important than ever to help out those in need. Goodman Games will donate $5 to the food bank for every game run at Spawn of Cyclops Con. We live in difficult times,...

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High Adventure in Online Gaming: A 2020 Retrospective

High Adventure in Online Gaming: A 2020 Retrospective

High Adventure in Online Gaming: A 2020 Retrospective by Harley Stroh For tabletop gamers, 2020 was a grim foe. This was doubly true for Goodman Games, where public games – hosted by the wild-eyed reavers calling themselves the Road Crew– are an integral part of DCC’s success.  The cascading series of con cancellations heralded a darkening storm. The end to in-person gaming was a source of real grief, compounding the pressure of lost...

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Battle Royale: The Slave Pits of Lost Agharta

Battle Royale: The Slave Pits of Lost Agharta

Battle Royale: The Slave Pits of Lost Agharta by Harley Stroh Bride of Cyclops Con heralded a new kind of tournament for DCC RPG: The Battle Royale. Abducted from the light-filled surface lands, the PCs were pressed into slavery by wicked Aghartan slave lords (of DCC #91: Journey to the Center of Áereth) and forced to battle for their masters’ amusement. Each player was given a single first level warrior. The sole differentiating...

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The Winners of the Return to the Starless Sea

The Winners of the Return to the Starless Sea

The Winners of the Return to the Starless Sea by Terry Olson This year that shall not be named has assailed us with challenges and hardship, but briefly, over one hundred players left it all behind to Return to the Starless Sea! This fourth annual DCC RPG Team Tournament was unlike its three predecessors in many ways: it featured a funnel; it had only two rounds; different round 1 flights had different content; the final round had six...

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Goodman Games Donates $1,000 to SF-Marin Food Bank

Goodman Games Donates $1,000 to SF-Marin Food Bank

We previously announced the SF-Marin Food Bank as our charity for Bride of Cyclops Con. Today we are happy to announce that we have donated $1000 to benefit those in need, thanks to the outstanding support from our fans at the convention. This charity is local to us, but it serves a need that is, unfortunately, becoming all too common in these challenging times. Please support your local food banks and ensure that all people can find...

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Announcing the Winners of Our Bride of Cyclops Con Tournaments!

Announcing the Winners of Our Bride of Cyclops Con Tournaments!

Bride of Cyclops Con had many amazing events, but two of the most anticipated were the DCC RPG Team Tournament: Return to the Starless Sea and The Slave Pits of Agharta Battle Royale. And they did not disappoint. Many characters were lost in the aether of the internet as they fought to become champions, but all of them were lost in the efforts of fun. A huge thanks goes out to all the players, Judges, and everyone else involved in...

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Thank You, Fans, For A Great Bride of Cyclops Con

Thank You, Fans, For A Great Bride of Cyclops Con

This morning The Cyclops woke up with a splitting headache, seeing extra-single from eating meeting so many people over the weekend. And that’s all thanks to you. Our fans are the best in the world. The energy and fun that you shared with everyone these past three days was amazing. We saw so many old faces and many many new friends. And so we want to share some images from the con! All of these shots are fan-caps of their...

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The Cyclops Says Thanks for a Great Con!

The Cyclops Says Thanks for a Great Con!

The monster is caged. The storm has passed. Peace has returned to the village. But what an amazing three days it’s been. THANK YOU for making the first Bride Of Cyclops Con such a great success! We had a wonderful time and hope that you did also. We had so many wonderful games and seminars, from the opening ceremonies (technical glitches and all) through the DCC RPG Team Tournament to the What’s New With Goodman Games...

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Sunday’s Lineup for Bride of Cyclops Con

Sunday’s Lineup for Bride of Cyclops Con

IT’S BROKEN FREE! BRIDE OF CYCLOPS CON IS RAMPAGING FOR ONE FINAL DAY! You can’t keep a good thing caged up, and Bride of Cyclops Con is no exception! The con is a monster, and it’s running rampant this Sunday…in a fun way, of course. Everything concludes tonight with the Closing Ceremonies! Be on Twitch to watch Joseph Goodman and guests—a certain Cyclops is sure to appear—as he goes over everything that was...

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The Cyclops Wants to Game With You!

The Cyclops Wants to Game With You!

The Cyclops is gaming this weekend! Why aren’t you? Despite a serious issue with depth perception, The Cyclops has found his way out of his cave and is busy rolling dice in a virtual world at Bride of Cyclops Con! There are still plenty of games open and chances to have fun tonight and tomorrow. Come join him and his bride! It’s Bride of Cyclops Con, happening now! COME TO BRIDE OF CYCLOPS...

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Saturday’s Lineup for Bride of Cyclops Con

Saturday’s Lineup for Bride of Cyclops Con

WE’VE BUILT A MONSTER FOR YOU! BRIDE OF CYCLOPS CON CONTINUES! The first day has been buried in the past, but day two has been re-energized by the electricity that is Bride of Cyclops Con! Our Judges let us know that the first day of the DCC RPG Team Tournament: Return to the Starless Sea was met with many a TPK. Yet, some teams have persevered! Who will make it to the finals tomorrow? Only time will tell! Now let’s look...

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Friday’s Lineup for Bride of Cyclops Con

Friday’s Lineup for Bride of Cyclops Con

IT’S ALIVE! …ALIVE! WELCOME TO BRIDE OF CYCLOPS CON! The table is set, the electrodes are in place, and we’re shocking this thing to life! Bride of Cyclops Con begins today! We kick things off with the Bride of Cyclops Con Opening Ceremonies at 11:00 am EST. You can join Joseph Goodman and, of course, The Cyclops as they welcome everyone to the con and start things off with a bang. They’ll be outlining the con...

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