Designer’s Diary: Creep, Skrag, Creep!

Designer’s Diary: Creep, Skrag, Creep!

Designer’s Diary: Creep, Skrag, Creep! By Stephen Newton “De Keradel is an enthusiast, and thorough. Like Napoleon, he knows that you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs; nor can you have meat without cattle; nor human sacrifices without humans.” – Creep, Shadow!, Abraham Merritt I chose that quote to set the mood for the DCC Horror adventure, Creep, Skrag, Creep! It is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite...

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Barrier Peaks Designer’s Notebook, Entry #2: All the Androids Were Karate Fighting (and Fencing and Boxing too)!

Barrier Peaks Designer’s Notebook, Entry #2: All the Androids Were Karate Fighting (and Fencing and Boxing too)!

The excitement for OAR #3: Expedition to Barrier Peaks continues to grow, and everyone here at Goodman Games is excited about the book and sharing it with fans. We already shared Michael Curtis’ first Designer’s Notebook entry, and now we continue with the second part, talking about some of the combative moments in the adventure. And don’t forget, you can now pre-order OAR #3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks in our...

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Barrier Peaks Designer’s Notebook, Entry #1: Of Sleek, Futuristic Design

Barrier Peaks Designer’s Notebook, Entry #1: Of Sleek, Futuristic Design

At our What’s New With Goodman Games seminar at GaryCon, we announced OAR #3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. We’ve been releasing additional details around the project as they’re finalized, including the fact that it will feature new art by Erol Otus, an introduction by Tony DiTerlizzi, and several other tidbits. Today we bring you some designer’s notes from the lead author, Michael Curtis. As we finalize the layout we will...

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The Isle of Dread: Chris Doyle Interview

The Isle of Dread: Chris Doyle Interview

At Gen Con this year, Goodman Games announced our next release in the Original Adventures Reincarnated series: The Isle of Dread! This iconic wilderness adventure is one of the most popular D&D adventures ever released. For an entire generation of gamers it served as a tutorial on wilderness adventure design, and successfully demonstrated how the pulp genre roots of Appendix N could be adapted to fantasy adventure design. The...

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Into the Borderlands FAQ

Into the Borderlands FAQ

A few days ago we put out an update for Into the Borderlands, posting the current cover art along with a progress report. The response was amazing! You guys have made it clear that you are really and truly looking forward to our reprint/update to In Search of the Unknown and Keep on the Borderlands.  You also made it clear that you had a lot of questions. So, today, we’re taking a moment to answer many of them. In the interest...

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The Latest News on Into the Borderlands!

The Latest News on Into the Borderlands!

At Gary Con this year, Goodman Games announced a partnership with Wizards of the Coast to publish fifth edition conversions of classic Dungeons and Dragons adventures, along with reproductions of the original first edition versions. The first two modules to receive this commemorative treatment would be B1: In Search of the Unknown and B2: The Keep on the Borderlands. You can click here to watch the original seminar, where Mike Mearls...

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Designer’s Diary: Black Sabbath and DCC RPG

Designer’s Diary: Black Sabbath and DCC RPG

Black Sabbath and DCC RPG By Brendan J. LaSalle Spoiler alert! For everything I have ever written for DCC, and a few things I have yet to write. DCC is the most metal game I have ever played. And to me, the music of the book is every incarnation of Black Sabbath. My first encounter with Dungeon Crawl Classics as a fully-formed thing was a pair of playtests Joseph Goodman ran at a hobby shop in Atlanta. We played the adventure that...

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Designer’s Diary: Enter the Dagon!

Designer’s Diary: Enter the Dagon!

Enter the Dagon: Turning Reality up to 11 The origins of the Dagon spellduel tournaments have been recounted in previous Gen Con Program Guides, so in taking a closer look at DCC #95: Enter the Dagon, we opted to examine some of the peripheral details that help frame the adventure, to see how Harley (and other Goodman Games authors!) help bring their adventures to life. For the setting of the adventure’s eponymous island, Harley drew...

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Designer’s Diary: Dinosaur Crawl Classics

Designer’s Diary: Dinosaur Crawl Classics

By Marc Bruner Chapter 1: From Dallas to Dinosaurs One of my favorite aspects of Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG is its adaptability. From the flourishing zine community that has produced annals of supplemental content, to the fantastic innovation on display annually at Doug Kon, it thrives in the hands of the players and judges who take the system and overlay their imaginations onto it. For myself, North Texas RPG Con has become somewhat...

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