What Are the Goodie Awards?

What are the Goodies?

What started at Gen Con in 2018 as an award for Judges that go above-and-beyond, The Goodie Awards has grown into a way to honor members of the larger Goodman Games community as a whole. In addition to continuing to recognize the busiest, coolest, killiest, and most involved Judges that make Goodman Games events such a success, the Goodie has also been given to members of the community who have done a great service to the world at large, or have gone that extra mile to help out their fellow fans. Basically, it’s a sign of doing good across the board — it’s in the name of the award, after all!

To see how The Goodie Awards have grown over the years, check out our past coverage of the live awards events and see the amazing group of volunteers, gamers, Judges, designers, artists, and all-around good people that have been nominated for or won past Goodies. In 2019 and 2020 the Goodie Awards were mostly all given for outstanding Judgeship — and of course they still are to this day! What’s changed is the Goodies’ new emphasis on broader recognition of all of those ‘hobby heroes’ that make events, games, and life in general just that much better — a trend you can see begin in 2020, but has since grown to become integral to the award in 2021 and 2022.

We want to hear from you! We’d love to get your nominations for this year’s Goodie Award. If you know someone in your local community who deserves a spotlight, let us know about them. Or maybe you really love the work of a certain designer or artist who you feel has had a banner year, or perhaps someone in your very game group is an unacknowledged community champion — tell us their story!

If you have a nomination, email us at info@goodman-games.com and tell us about the person you feel deserves a Goodie Award and why. We want to know about the Judges and fans who deserve special recognition. The Goodie Awards will be given out live on Twitch during a special show, coming soon. So let us know your deserving nominees!

The Goodies is a public event, and we’ll keep you updated on when we’ll be giving out this year’s awards!

See past recipients of The Goodie Awards by year: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.

Author: admin

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