Joseph Goodman Welcomes Our New DCC Friends


In the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen a huge surge in sales on DCC RPG (for some reason…) and we want to take a minute to welcome you to our family, or as we like to call it “The Band”.

The Dungeon Crawl Classics community is a welcoming bunch of folks who love to roll dice and have fun—and share that fun with everyone. So first up: THANK YOU! We appreciate the love and support and hope that you enjoy DCC RPG as much as we do. You are welcome in our community, and we’d love to get to know you better.

The orders are going out as fast as our warehouse can process them, so please be understanding of any delay in getting your printed material to you. At least you do get the digital version immediately with purchase, so you can begin your journey right away!

Our publisher and the creator of DCC RPG—Mr. Joseph Goodman—has taken a moment to record a welcome video for everyone who’s come on board. Take a minute or four and watch the video for his own personal welcome!

And now that you’ve been officially welcomed by our Dark Master…how about some more info!

There is a ton of material that is available to fans of DCC RPG and our sister games. And we want to make sure that you know about it and are able to take advantage of everything out there.


The first thing we want to mention are the online Zoom Demos we run every week to help learn Dungeon Crawl Classics from the pros. Our team will be happy to teach you the ins-and-outs of the system in a simple and fun game that covers the basics. You can get the details here.


Now we want to direct you toward the many amazing FREE tools that were created by Purple Sorcerer. Need fast pre-generated characters, dragons, or customizable spellbooks? Check out Purple Sorcerer for all that and more!


And they were able to create these tools because Goodman Games offers a free Third Party Publishing license. If you are interested in creating your own content for DCC RPG email us

One of the most popular of all the third-party creations is The Gongfarmer’s Almanac. This fan-generated publication is a regular hit at Gen Con, and relies on people like you to create the content for each issue! And you can grab the PDF versions of each issue for free over on DriveThruRPG!


And with your foray into the world of DCC RPG, know that we here at Goodman Games are constantly supporting the game! With dozens of modules and other material crafted for the game, you are sure to find something that fits your style. Check out the low-level adventure modules linked below!


Of course, one of the main benefits of role-playing games is gathering with friends. We would love to see you at an upcoming convention including the many that we attend each year.

Still not sure you want to be in a huge room of people just yet? Don’t worry: War of the Cyclops Con is coming! This is a Goodman Games online convention full of fun, gaming, and the great folks that make up the fan community. 


Every week we have some tremendous live programming airing over on Twitch! Be sure to check out our channel and everything that it offers—and you can get caught up on all our shows over on YouTube!

If you are more into the podcast scene, be sure to check out the various programs featuring DCC RPG, MCC RPG, and the like! We’ve got a whole list of them for you, including the amazing Spellburn show—the original DCC RPG podcast!


The DCC Rocks Facebook Page is one of the most active and informative locations to not only meet other fans, but also get answers about rules questions and current releases. This Facebook page is entirely fan-operated and is a great way to become part of the community.

And here’s the rest of our social media links. You can find our official feeds—as well as a couple that are fan-run but appreciated—at the locations below.

As you can see, there is a LOT going on in the world of Dungeon Crawl Classics. We invite you to explore the many avenues open for the system, and—most importantly—have fun! That’s what gaming is all about, after all.


Author: pandabrett

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