It’s a week of dice and third-party releases! We’ve got seven new releases hitting the online store for the first time!
Everybody loves dice, and these new glow-in-the-dark dice add to everyone’s collection with two new full DCC sets. Not to mention five new third-party releases that can expand your game in many ways.
Plus, there are two new updated second printing third-party books that have just come back in stock!
Let’s take a look!
DCC Glow Dice – Neutral Wizard
A complete set of 14 dice for DCC RPG – and they glow in the dark!
Neutral Wizard DCC dice are sky blue in normal light and glow green for a good duration.
Includes all the dice required for DCC RPG: d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d20, d24, and d30, plus a percentile d%.
On the back of the printed dice tube is a brand new DCC RPG spell by Harley Stroh!
Features cover illustration by Doug Kovacs
DCC Glow Dice – Lawful Wizard
A complete set of 14 dice for DCC RPG – and they glow in the dark!
Lawful Wizard DCC dice are a light Rose Quartz in the daylight and will flash a burst of orange-red when glowing before fading. (Note: Red Glow dice normally have a fast glow fade so these will more represent a burst of magic when the glow is triggered.)
Includes all the dice required for DCC RPG: d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d20, d24, and d30, plus a percentile d%.
On the back of the printed dice tube is a brand new DCC RPG spell by Harley Stroh!
Features cover illustration by Doug Kovacs
Xanadu – Print + PDF
Rewards and riches await those who venture forth to explore the mysterious cult temple of Xanadu and solve its secrets!
Rumors are circulating about unusual happenings at the mysterious temple of Xanadu, and many are concerned.
What was the mysterious cult doing at the temple? Was the veil of reality between this world and another ruptured? Why did the Tooth Fairy slaughter everyone, and what does she want?
Rewards and riches await those who venture forth to explore the temple and solve its secrets!
Maximum Mutagenesis
An Umerican Mutation Sourcebook with new Lesser Mutations, Three new character classes, The Mutation Alphabet, and Grokk’s Blessed Bestiary.
May the ever-present holy glow warm your marrow as you travel down the irradiated paths of Umerica!
Within these twisted pages you will find:
- Getting the Glow – Looking to get mutated? Here is a list of what you need and where you might find it.
- Lesser Mutations – A new form of simple mutations to inflict upon hapless wastelanders!
- Three new character classes – Nuka’s Favored, Glow Shepherds, and Tainted Drifter.
- The Mutation Alphabet – 26 illuminated tables of new mutagenic mischief.
- Grokk’s Blessed Bestiary – Over two dozen “ordinary” creatures subjected to the mutagenic effects of the Mutation Alphabet, creating a slew of new horrors for wasteland adventurers to encounter.
This product is compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game. This is a supplement for The Umerican Survival Guide.
Moon Mutants – Issue #1
Moon Mutants is a zine for DCC RPG continuing the tradition of Crawling Under a Broken Moon.
Moon Mutants issue #1 introduces players and Judges to Urth’s weird future. While Umericans spent six centuries crawling under a Broken Moon, mysterious forces have conspired to bring new life to the glowing lunar fragments. Now the Mutant Moon shines with lambent energy, shrouded in mystery and teeming with restless danger.
In Issue #1, readers will delight to find a brief history of the lunar weirdscape, a new class (The Moon Mutant), new orbital vehicles, lunar monsters in the mutant moonagerie, a quick funnel adventure, 30 moondwelling professions, a list of suggested playable classes, character and vehicle record sheets, and more!
Moon Mutants – Issue #2
Moon Mutants is a zine for DCC RPG continuing the tradition of Crawling Under a Broken Moon.
Moon Mutants issue #2 explores more connections between Urth and the Mutant Moon, giving players and Judges more options for travel and adventuring.
In Issue #2, readers will thrill to discover a brief history of the Inter-Tribal Conflict, a new class (The Ferrodruid), new vehicles, new monsters, a quick 9th-level adventure, gadgets & gizmos, riding beasts, new spells, and more!
Moon Mutants – Issue #3
Moon Mutants is a zine for DCC RPG continuing the tradition of Crawling Under a Broken Moon.
Moon Mutants issue #3 sets the stage for a military conflict on the Moon.
In Issue #3, readers will goggle their minds when they learn about the escalating military conflict between the moon’s own standing army and the forces of darkness! Also included is a new class (The Lunar Leatherneck), new military vehicles, new monsters, a quick 1st-level adventure, blasters & weaponry, jumpsuits, helmets, and more!
The Precipice of Corruption – Print + PDF
A level 0 adventure for DCC RPG.
The town of Stennard finds itself in desperate need. The crops have failed and famine is imminent. In a bold effort to save the town, the constable sends their best hunters in search of game, treading into the forbidden lands to the west. When the hunters fail to return, a final call goes out, “will someone please help us?” but only your unseemly mob of cutthroats and fortune-seekers are willing to take on the task. Are you a part of the cure to the encroaching corruption or just another symptom of it?
The Precipice of Corruption is an adventure module designed for 12-16 0-level characters. This adventure includes 7 detailed NPCs, 4 new monsters, 20 rumors, and more than 13 encounters, mixing wilderness and dungeon exploration. The adventure ends with 6 possible adventure hooks for expanding the story into a larger campaign.
This revised 2nd printing expands the details of each of the NPCs, adding Friendships and Affiliations, Suspicions and Enmities, and Family. These can deepen the NPCs in campaign play, particularly when used with The Stennard Courier Vol. 1.
Rabid Dogs Zine – Print + PDF
This revised and updated 2nd printing of Rabid Dogs Zine is packed full with even more DCC RPG compatible content!
I Hate Work… A modified Occupation Table that removes all of the racial occupations, adds canines, and fresh for this printing added charts for Farmer Trade Goods, Mercenary Weapons, Dog Occupations, and more.
Equal People… New rules for demihuman and mixed race PCs that can be any class.
I’m an Outsider… The Outlier bandit/ranger hybrid character class inspired by the Bandit class from Best of Dragon Vol. 4.
Holier… The Icon Bearer character class, new to this printing of Rabid Dogs.
I Wanna Be Your Dog… The Canine Character Class – What happens when the party’s shepherd dies and their herding dog becomes the heart of the party? Well, you probably should just let them be the fuzzy antihero they were destined to be. Updated for second printing.
Road to Ruin… Two Roadside Encounters – Two roadside encounters, The Hungry Child and Halo of Flies. Both have been revised, with rumors, new art, and an improved map added.
This product is compatible with the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role-Playing Game.