Cyclops Con Live Stream Schedule for Saturday


The first-ever convention created and run by Goodman Games is going on RIGHT NOW. We’re talking about CYCLOPS CON! And we’ve got even more great material streaming for you today (and Sunday) on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel.

And while we had a couple of glitches last night with our first two streams, we are working on making sure everything runs smooth for today’s events. It’s a first time for us, too, but we’re learning fast. We’ll get this to you as best we can!

Let’s look at the schedule!

11:00 am EST, Saturday

Dungeon Crawl Classics: Lost in the Briars

Host: Brendan LaSalle

Lost in the Briars is described as “an exciting romp through the woods — woods controlled by an evil treant intent on completing a diabolic ritual!” Brendan LaSalle says about it, “One of the monsters from Lost in the Briars is the only one I would truly be terrified of. You can shoot a missile at a dragon and be like what’s up?, but there is nothing at all you can do about Mr. Saturday Night. If he’s coming for you he’s going to get you.”

Judge Brendan kicks off his Cyclops Con streaming events with the only sequel he’s ever written (appearing as the back-up in Jewels of the Carnifex, 2nd printing), and linking all the way back to DCC #10: The Sunless Garden. Come experience some wild adventure today!

3:00 pm EST, Saturday

Xcrawl Classics: New Year’s Evil

Host: Brendan LaSalle

Strange things are afoot in Toronto! The spirit of the New Year is driving the Gods to drink, whipping the fans into a frenzy, and inspiring the staff to start the party before the team even makes it to the green room! Can a low-level squad, faced with shady jousters, wet jesters, hell pugs, and cubical zombies – not to mention poetry, puzzles, and traps galore – survive to ring in the New Year? And will the sponsors still pick up the tab now that the dungeon has gone mad?

Judge Brendan is back, and he’s ringing in the New Year…in April. The creator of Xcrawl brings you into his world and runs ramshod all over the players. It’s mayhem in—and out—of the arena!

7:00 pm EST, Saturday

How to Write Adventure Modules That Don’t Suck

Hosts: Joe Goodman, Brendan LaSalle, Marc Bruner, Terry Olson, and Chris Doyle

The creators of some of the best modules in the business gather up to talk you through the ins and outs of creating an adventure. Goodman Games has published over 200 modules in the history of the company, so we speak from experience.

From the basics to the advanced, secrets and suggestions will be shared by top minds in the first seminar for Cyclops Con! Tune in to see how to improve your own game from the pros like Brendan LaSalle, Terry Olson, Marc Brunner, Chris Doyle, and even our Dark Master, Joseph Goodman! It’s an hour of education, and it’s totally free on Twitch!

8:00 pm EST, Saturday

The Appendix N Trivia Hour

Host: Jeff Goad

Do you have the chops to become the Overlord of Appendix N Trivia? Glory and prizes await those who dare try their hand at the title! Your hosts (and perhaps some special guests) will test your speed and cunning to see who rises to the top! BY CROM! This will be a challenge for the mighty!

Jeff Goad is an avid RPG-gamer since the age of ten, and is the co-host of The Appendix N Book Club and the ENnie award-winning Spellburn podcasts. So if anyone is able to challenge your knowledge set, it’s him! Trust us, we’ve seen him in action. His knowledge is scary…scary good, that is!

10:00 pm EST, Saturday

Top 10 TSR Adventure Modules

Host: Chris Doyle

Join several Goodman Games Contributors as they reveal their Top 10 Classic TSR Adventure Modules Live. They will discuss their selections, defend them if need be, and interact with the viewers. Does your selection match our panel’s? There’s only one way to find out! It’s an old-school-a-palooza!

Chris Doyle has been playing D&D for nearly four decades and a freelance writer for nearly three decades. The developer of the Fifth Edition Fantasy line for Goodman Games, Chris has also written OAR #1: Into The Borderlands, OAR #2: The Isle of Dread, OAR #4: The Lost City—and the soon to be announced OAR #6.

11:00 pm EST, Saturday

Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar

Host: Harley Stroh

From the most famous city in the history of fantasy comes a sword-and-sorcery adventure to test the finest gamers! The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar is a level 3 Dungeon Crawl Classics boxed set that sends characters into the hot cellars beneath Thieves’ House, across the sooty rooftops of the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, and on to a mad dash through the palace of the Overlord.

One of the most prolific of creators for Goodman Games, Harley Stroh describes himself as a “lucky guy that got to write some DCC adventures.” We disagree. They’re not just “some” DCC adventures, but some of the best adventures in the history of the industry. Come see why he deserves that rep!

3:00 am EST, Sunday

Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Dying Earth: Magnific Machinations at the Grand Exposition

Host: Bob Brinkman

“There was a time,” crooned the magician, “before the War of the Wizards and Witches; an age of great innovation and discovery when the most bewildering wonders were commonplace.” He raised a hand, forestalling questions while he took a slow sip of Angelius, with a face matching the demeanor of the wine

His eyes narrowed as he gauged his audience. “Perhaps I will allow you a single glimpse of the treasure prior to presenting it during the festival.” His feline grin widened as he drew forth a small box of ivory. Fingers working the fine clasp, the magician gazed down into the sliver of exposed darkness – his smile froze as he closed the box with a snap. “Impatient rabble! Begone! You shall not see such a wonder before it is time!”

He slipped the empty box back into his voluminous robe while he reached for the nearby bell-pull. “Summon those transient curs, perhaps they can steal back for me what I had stolen.”

Bob Brinkman is the author of Blasphemy and Larceny in Lankhmar, and has written for DCC, DCC Lankhmar, DCC Dying Earth, MCC, and Fifth Edition Fantasy. He is the husband of ENnie-award-winning podcaster Jen Brinkman, and a tax professional. He’s also been a stable hand, swordsman, bouncer, fire-breather, and professional pirate. Having played RPGs since the days when everything was digest-sized and beige, Bob delights in writing adventures where a shadow of the past darkens the present.

7:00 am EST, Sunday

Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar: The Fence’s Fortuitous Folly

Host: Daniel Bishop

The town of Portnelle is living in a state of fear. Several citizens have been abducted—some never to been seen again, while others are found as corpses, often with missing limbs.

Daniel J. Bishop lives in Toronto, Canada, where he wrestles polar bears when not writing for the DCC RPG. The polar bears claim to miss chewing on his torso while Covid-19 keeps him indoors. Meanwhile, we’ve got him busy running an adventure he wrote for DCC Lankhmar.

NOTE: This is a re-broadcast, and not a live event.

You can events as they stream live on the Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel LIVE all weekend!

And you can plan the rest of today and tomorrow by checking out our Twitch coverage for the entire weekend!

Author: pandabrett

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