We Are The Road Crew #1 Now Available for Road Crew!


We love to support the Road Crew. It’s an amazing community that has spread the word of Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics and all other things Goodman to a huge number of fans. We can never properly thank them enough for all the work they put in and the good will they create.

We can try, though. 

As a special thank-you for the Road Crew, we now have a ‘zine created just for them! We Are The Road Crew contains all-new material and we are giving it away to members of the Road Crew. Thanks to editor Zak Lane and advisor Brendan LaSalle, We Are The Road Crew is an awesome collection of new content just for members of our Road Crew community.

The first issue contains articles about experiences with particular games and how they impacted Road Crew members, profiles of DCC notables, new fan-rules, and even a new monster! Oh, and did we mention the new artwork by Stefan Poag? It’s a great collection to kick off this new ‘zine!

We Are The Road Crew #1 is ONLY available to members of the Road Crew! And if you are a member of the Road Crew, you can order a copy now. The rule is you have to order it along with the swag for your next session. It’s now available at our Road Crew Swag Page on our online store!

And Road Crew, that’s not where this ends. We invite you to contribute to future issues of the ‘zine! Have you got an amazing idea that others need to know about? Is there something that you want to share about your DCC or MCC experience? Email us if you have material you’d like to contribute!

If ‘zines like this one get you excited, remember, you can also create your own DCC or MCC ‘zine using our third party license! It’s easy and totally free to get the license, just email us for more info!

We Are The Road Crew is only available to members of our Road Crew, but don’t let that get you down! We love to get new members to our Road Crew team! Just head on over to our Road Crew home page and join up!

This is just the latest addition to our Road Crew support. We recently opened up the option to purchase the DCC Egyptian Lich Cover of DCC RPG for qualifying members. You never know what we’re going to do for the Road Crew…but we always know what they do for us. The Road Crew is our blood! We’re thrilled to share the new We Are The Road Crew with you!


Author: pandabrett

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