Gen Con Event Submission: The Last Judge


It’s not too late. You can still change the universe.

Well, that might be a little strong, but you CAN still get some events in for Gen Con 2018! Your response to our previous requests was magnificent, and we warned you about deadlines then. Well, the initial submission deadline has now passed, but we can do a late submission for your events and get them in under the Goodman Games banner! We are already at record levels for the number of events at Gen Con, but we’re greedy. We want more!

So get those events in now! We must have them by FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd, or they will NOT be a part of this. That is the final cut-off date! We are looking for judges to run INTRO Dungeon Crawl Classics events at Gen Con 2018. If this sounds like you, we are willing to make it worth your while. Goodman Games will buy your badge for the show, and even give you an allowance to help with your lodging. To get involved, all you have to do is email Taco Jon to get things set up!

It’s down to the last days. Gen Con 2018 will be here before you know it! And we want YOU to be a part of the show!

You have until Friday, March 2nd to get your events in! Do not delay!


Author: pandabrett

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