Year in Review: Best Sellers


We have had an amazing year. For Goodman Games, 2017 will go down as one of the best years on record, and it’s all because of you. We can publish as many items as we like, but unless we see the amazing kind of support that you fans show us, it means nothing.

We thought you might like to see a list of our best selling items, sorted out in a variety of ways, for the 2017 calendar year. If you bought any of the items on the list, thank you. If you haven’t checked them out yet, then here is a good way for you to see what the other fans loved for the past twelve months.

So, without further ado….

Year In Review: Best-Sellers

Top 10 DCC Sellers (published by Goodman Games)

  1. DCC RPG core book
  2. DCC Judge’s Screen
  3. DCC 2017 Halloween Module: Shadow Under Devil’s Reef
  4. DCC #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea
  5. DCC Quickstart Rules
  6. DCC #93: Moon-Slaves of the Cannibal Kingdom
  7. DCC #95: Enter the Dagon
  8. DCC #89: Chaos Rising
  9. DCC Dice: Alamanter’s Extraspacial Angularities
  10. DCC #86: Hole in the Sky

Top 10 DCC Sellers (third party publishers)

  1. DCC RPG Reference Booklet
  2. Black Sun Deathcrawl
  3. 2015 Complete Gongfarmer’s Almanac
  4. Into the Demon Idol
  5. Hubris: A World of Visceral Adventure
  6. Crawl! Fanzine No. 12
  7. 2017 Complete Gongfarmer’s Almanac
  8. 2016 Complete Gongfarmer’s Almanac
  9. Critters, Creatures, & Denizens
  10. Zero-level Character micro-Sheets

Top 10 Fifth Edition Fantasy Best Sellers

  1. FEF #2: The Fey Sisters’ Fate
  2. FEF #11: The Archmage’s Lost Hideaway
  3. FEF #1: Glitterdoom
  4. FEF #7: Fantastic Encounters
  5. FEF #4: War-Lock
  6. FEF #9: The Fallen Temple
  7. FEF #6: Raiders of the Lost Oasis
  8. FEF #8: Eye of the Leviathan
  9. FEF #3: The Pillars of Pelagia
  10. FEF #10: Castle in the Sky

Top 10 Non-DCC Best Sellers

  1. The Dungeon of Nocyrag
  2. Gen Con 2017 Program Guide
  3. Gamescience Precision 12 Die Sets
  4. MCC Dice: Kilra’s Glow Dice
  5. MCC Dice: Grakk’s Rad Dice
  6. How to Write Adventure Modules that Don’t Suck
  7. The Adventurers Almanac
  8. FEF #2: The Fey Sisters’ Fate
  9. FEF #11: The Archmage’s Lost Hideaway
  10. FEF #1: Glitterdoom

And there you go! Be sure to check out all of them at your FLGS or in our online store! We can’t wait to see what you think of our offerings for 2018!


Author: pandabrett

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