Gen Con Events 2017

Gen-Con-Goodman-ScheduleWe come ever-closer to the magic that is Gen Con. We are very proud to announce that there are more sponsored events from Goodman Games this year than ever before. If you are more of a numbers person, that means that we have 140 events on the schedule, and just about every one of them is going to be held in the same space this time around. You’ll find the Goodman Games HQ in rooms 125-128 in the main convention center, so it’s never far away from the action.

Be sure to check out our Team Event, returning after a slight hiatus at the show. You’ll want to check out this post from last week for all of the details on this fun-filled—and scream-filled, magic-filled, sword-filled, and generally heroic-filled—event!

For all you would-be Judges out there, we have our big Gen Con Road Crew Contest! You can win a trip to Gen Con to hang out with the gang and run some adventures for our adoring—and voracious—fans. You only have a little time left to enter, though, so don’t delay!

Which reminds me, don’t delay on any event! The Goodman Games events tend to sell out very quickly—usually within a day—so make sure you act when registration opens on May 28th. You don’t want to be on the outside when the fun is happening inside the HQ! You can pull up our full schedule of events below.

If you’ve ever wanted to get your books signed by our creators, Gen Con is the best place to do it. Make sure to leave room on your schedule for Artist-Palooza and Writer-Palooza at the GG booth where you can get your books autographed by all the writers and artists present. And if you are wanting to see a little into the future, our Headman himself, Joseph Goodman, will be hosting the What’s New Seminar on Saturday, August 19th. There isn’t a better way to connect with us than at those events. Meet the people and get some faces to go with the names you’ve come to know.

Gen Con begins on Thursday, August 17th and runs through Sunday, August 21st. Make your plans now to attend. It’s a one-of-a-kind event every year.

See our full Gen Con Event Schedule here.

Author: pandabrett

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