Announcing the Road Crew Private Lounge at Spawn of Cyclops Con

Psst. . . you heard about the VIP room, right? All Road Crew will have their own exclusive hang out during Spawn of Cyclops Con, a place to unwind, discuss secret plans, and take temporary solace from the groupies. Or maybe even do a little gaming!

Wait, what? How’s this work? This is a virtual con, is it just some kind of chat room? We’re not going to spill the beans just yet on how Spawn of Cyclops Con will be an amazing virtual convention experience like nothing you’ve seen before, allowing an unprecedented level of of interaction for the attendees. You’ll have to wait for the Opening Ceremonies this Friday on Twitch, where all will be revealed, and we’ll demonstrate in real time.

Spawn of Cyclops Con is pushing the envelope for the virtual experience — we’ve got a Dealers Hall, an Artists Alley, even live Auctions! And that’s not even scratching the surface of gaming and panel discussions. Check out our amazing map of the Dealers Hall below for a tantalizing glimpse at what’s to come — our Road Crew VIP lounge is accessed in location 30, a mysterious, forbidden staircase leading down into the shadowed depths of the Cyclops’ lair…

Well, it’s not that mysterious — like we said it’s going to the VIP Lounge. This location will be password protected, and only Road Crew will get the password.

Road Crew, look for an email from us on Wednesday the 24th before the con with the password!

Author: admin

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