Announcing the Auction at Spawn of Cyclops Con!

The gaming, the panels, the dealers rooms — the auctions! Yes, in the tradition of the great convention auctions like Gen Con, Gary Con, and North Texas RPG Con, Spawn of Cyclops Con will feature a virtual auction house where attendees can bid on deals and steals just like their realspace equivalents.

Spawn of Cyclops Con’s auctions will be conducted on our Twitch Channel. It’s pretty simple — any viewer will be able to bid through the chat window, and the settlement of the payment and shipment details are conducted after the Con.

Experienced auctioneer Jim Kitchen, whom many of you already know from the Con scene, will be hosting the auction for Spawn of Cyclops Con.

The Goodman Gang is feverishly digging through their vaults and forbidden archives to come up with amazing, one-of-a-kind items to put on the auction block. Bits and pieces of classic Goodman Games history will be available for your to bid on, including rare misprinted modules, printer proofs, con ephemera, rare manuscripts, and a host of oddities and surprises you won’t want to miss!

A portion of the proceeds of all auction funds will go to benefit our Con’s charity partner, the Franklin Food Bank.

Watch this space for more information on the auction details in the weeks to come!

Author: admin

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