UKGE Recap!

UKGE Recap!

Goodman Games invaded the UK…and everybody there was amazing!For the first time, Goodman Games set up a booth—or stall, to use the local term—at the UK Games Expo, and everything about it was stellar. Hundreds of fans came to the booth, sharing their love of Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, and all manner of product. Brett and Allyson met them with their most reserved enthusiasm, while still carrying forth their...

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UK Games Expo Fans, Let’s Talk T-Shirts!

UK Games Expo Fans, Let’s Talk T-Shirts!

Hello UK! We’re getting close to our first-ever booth set-up at the UK Games Expo this year! Our Goodman crew will be there for the show running from May 31st to June 2nd, and we are thinking big. We’d like to celebrate our first con booth in the UK with something special. Something that marks the occasion. Something that you can wear. That’s right, we want to commemorate our first booth with brand new shirts done just for...

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