Collect All the Prize Stickers At Empire of the Cyclops Con!

Collect All the Prize Stickers At Empire of the Cyclops Con!

The Empire of the Cyclops Con is upon us! Tomorrow the campaign begins to win a kingdom and have some fun—not necessarily in that order. Did you know we have a live In-Con experience for Empire of the Cyclops Con? It’s an interactive digital community using the Gather.Town platform (which you may know from previous cons), and like previous cons, the world contains a puzzle! We previously showed you the map of the world and now...

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Get Your Exclusive Road Crew Judge’s Screen!

Get Your Exclusive Road Crew Judge’s Screen!

We love our Road Crew. The Road Crew serves for many people out there as the first face of Goodman Games. The people who are running the public events that draw people into Dungeon Crawl Classics and all things Goodman. For years now we’ve had special awards that we hand out to members of the Road Crew for hitting certain plateaus—but we’ve never done this. When you run just your SECOND Road Crew game in 2018, we will get...

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