Announcing Our 2024 Convention Schedule!

Announcing Our 2024 Convention Schedule!

2024 Convention Schedule We’ve got an absolutely packed year of events to look forward to — a whopping 47 so far — with even more on the way! We’ve got all the classics like Gen Con and Origins and Gary Con to look forward to next year, as well as returning to favorites like Gamehole Con, The UK Game Expo, KublaCon (twice!), Pax Unplugged, and, of course, Free RPG Day. But there are also a lot of new Cons (to...

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Announcing Our 2023 Convention Schedule!

Announcing Our 2023 Convention Schedule!

2023 Convention Schedule Next year’s convention scene is starting to look very cool — and we hope you’ll be a part of it! We’ve got all the classics like Gen Con and Origins and Gary Con to look forward to next year, as well as returning to favorites like MomoCon, Gamehole Con, KublaCon, Pax Unplugged, and, of course, Free RPG Day. But there are also some new Cons (to us, or just in general) all lined up for a...

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Gary Con Highlight Videos!

Gary Con Highlight Videos!

You’ve probably already seen our fun photo gallery from Gary Con XIV in our Wrap Up post last month, so now it’s time for some moving images! It was an absolute blast to catch up with all of our Gary Con friends and fans after three years, and we had big plans to stream from the convention floor that ran into a few technical difficulties. Such ‘technical difficulties,’ according to Goodman Games’ own...

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2022 Convention Schedule

2022 Convention Schedule

2022 Convention Schedule It’s been two years since we attended any cons in person, but…2022 is a go! Not only will we be returning to favorites like Gary Con, MomoCon, Origins, Gamehole Con, PAX Unplugged, and of course, Gen Con, but we’ll be continuing our online shows as well! Romance of the Cyclops Con kicks off our online shows for 2022, with DCC Day and others to follow! Keep checking back here as the schedule...

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Airing Today: “What’s New With Goodman Games” and Live Play of Crypt of the Devil Lich!

Airing Today: “What’s New With Goodman Games” and Live Play of Crypt of the Devil Lich!

Today is the day! Gary Con Ethereal is underway, and we’re helping kick it off with two fantastic events only on Gary Con’s Twitch channel. Starting with the fan-favorite “What’s New With Goodman Games?” seminar, and then following it up with a live-play of Crypt of the Devil Lich, DM’d by Chris Doyle! In the “What’s New with Goodman Games” portion, Joseph Goodman will be joined by the DCC...

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“What’s New With Goodman Games” Airs at Ethereal Gary Con Tomorrow

“What’s New With Goodman Games” Airs at Ethereal Gary Con Tomorrow

The Dark Master is returning to Gary Con—Ethereal Gary Con that is—to let you know “What’s New With Goodman Games!” Ethereal Gary Con runs from March 25-28, and our own Joseph Goodman will be holding this fan-favorite seminar on the GaryConLochJineeva Twitch channel tomorrow to help get the con kicked off in the right way. Join Joseph and the Goodman Gang for “What’s New With Goodman Games,” our periodic update on...

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Gary Con Ethereal Is This Weekend!

Gary Con Ethereal Is This Weekend!

It’s time for Gary Con weekend! And while we’re still not out of the pandemic crisis and able to attend the con in person, that doesn’t mean that Goodman Games won’t be a part of the show. Gary Con Ethereal is the online version of one of our favorite shows, and we’ll have events running throughout the weekend. Join us for games of DCC RPG, MCC RPG, DCC Lankhmar, and much more! You can get all of the...

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“What’s New With Goodman Games” Streams A Week From Today at Gary Con Ethereal!

“What’s New With Goodman Games” Streams A Week From Today at Gary Con Ethereal!

Once more it is time to look into the future of Goodman Games, and we’re returning to Gary Con to tell you! …in an ethereal way. Gary Con Ethereal runs from March 25-28, and our own Joseph Goodman will be holding a seminar on the GaryConLochJineeva Twitch channel on March 25th to help get the con kicked off in the right way. Join Joseph and the Goodman Gang for “What’s New With Goodman Games,” our periodic update on the...

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2021 Convention Schedule

2021 Convention Schedule

2020 was quite a year. From a convention point of view, it was…non-physical. Goodman Games discovered the world of online conventions and made the best of it, spearheading events like Cyclops Con, DCC Day Online, and Bride of Cyclops Con. In 2021 we look to expand upon the lessons from the previous year and bring you the best experiences possible. Will there be any physical cons? Only time will tell, but we do know that...

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Our Gary Con Sale!

Our Gary Con Sale!

We’re still all adjusting to the new normal we’re living in for the time being. And part of that means having to miss out on certain gatherings and events in the traditional sense. Which includes Gary Con. Gary Con is only happening in cyberspace this year, but we can still celebrate! If you haven’t already signed up for a VTT Gary Con game, do so now! You can find all the DCC and MCC games at Virtual Gary Con here! To...

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Sign up for Virtual DCC Games at Gary Con!

Sign up for Virtual DCC Games at Gary Con!

Gary Con is canceled, but Virtual Gary Con lives on! Gary Con is one of our favorite shows. A place where we see a bevy of our fans each and every year, and we get a chance to showcase our goods and (typically) debut more than one item. While we are sad to see that the con isn’t going to happen, we do appreciate them keeping to the CDC guidelines and putting everyone’s safety first. During this important time of putting...

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2020 Convention Schedule

2020 Convention Schedule

2020 Convention Schedule Want to know what shows we are attending in 2020? This is the place to find out! 2020 hasn’t exactly turned out as planned. Due to the global health crisis, many of the shows that we planned to attend for the year will not be happening. As things change, we’ll be updating the list below to reflect our current plans. Please check back frequently, as we hope to resume our in-person presence as time...

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