2020 Warehouse Finds!

2020 Warehouse Finds!

Ever have that experience where you go to clean out your closet and you come out holding something that makes you say, “I didn’t know I had that!” Yeah, us too. We found a treasure-trove of items and materials that we thought were long out-of-print or no longer available. And a few things that we decided SHOULD be made available to the public-at-large at this point. And we found a LOT of it. Some of these are...

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Warehouse Finds!

Warehouse Finds!

A few days back we mentioned that we took a trip to our main warehouse up in Fort Wayne, IN. While we were there, we poked around the warehouse…and found some things. We found a treasure-trove of items and materials that we thought were long out-of-print or no longer available. Variant items that were produced for special events that ended up in the corners of the warehouse until some nosey folks came along in September of 2018...

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