Ever have that experience where you go to clean out your closet and you come out holding something that makes you say, “I didn’t know I had that!” Yeah, us too.
We found a treasure-trove of items and materials that we thought were long out-of-print or no longer available. And a few things that we decided SHOULD be made available to the public-at-large at this point. And we found a LOT of it.
Some of these are variants. Some are promo items. Some are stretch goals for Kickstarters past. All of them are cool and hard to find.
For details on each find, be sure to click the photo below! We only have a very limited supply of these items, and there aren’t any more in the warehouse. Trust us, we checked.
Just what did we find? Hold onto your hat, it’s quite a list…
Like we said: quite a list! If any of these are something you were hoping to find, DO NOT HESITATE! These will not last very long.