Watch Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar Tonight on Twitch!

Watch Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar Tonight on Twitch!

Dare you venture into a mysterious city without equal in all the realms of Nehwon? The Blades Against Bandwidth crew are back with more Lankhmarian roguery tonight on Goodman Games official Twitch channel. They somehow managed to scratch their names out of Death’s book last time, but what will be their next move?TODAY at 5:00 PM EST on Twitch join Judge Brendan and the Blades Against Bandwidth crew as they pit their wits against...

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Premiering Tonight on Twitch: Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar!

Premiering Tonight on Twitch: Blades Against Bandwidth: Lankhmar!

Dare you venture into a roguesome city without equal in all the realms of Erewhon? The Blades are Back! Season two begins tonight with new characters, new guests, and a brand new playground: Lankhmar!TODAY at 5:00 PM EST on Twitch join Judge Brendan and the Blades Against Bandwidth crew pit their wits against the City of Sevenscore Thousand and One Smokes. This is “episode zero,” where we will catch up with the gang, discuss the...

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2020 Retrospective: Watch a DCC Campaign Unfold on Blades Against Bandwidth

2020 Retrospective: Watch a DCC Campaign Unfold on Blades Against Bandwidth

Watch a DCC Campaign Unfold on Blades Against Bandwidthby Brendan LaSalle“We’ve (been) floating the idea of running a longer campaign with the characters that have survived our previous one shots but I’m not sure the system holds up much after the initial magic of the funnel. Do any of you have any experience with longer games? Did they go well or end up poorly? Does the system hold up during higher levels? How do you construct a DCC...

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Save 20% On DCC #88.5: Curse of the Kingspire

Save 20% On DCC #88.5: Curse of the Kingspire

Blades Against Bandwidth is our Twitch show where the gang runs through a new DCC RPG adventure every Sunday night.With the latest episode, they’re starting a new adventure, DCC #88.5: Curse of the Kingspire, and we want you to be a part of the experience. Play along with your own campaign, and do it at a discount! For the rest of August, DCC #88.5: The Curse of the Kingspire is on sale for 20% off in our online store!This adventure...

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Our Twitch Shows: Schedule and Archive

Our Twitch Shows: Schedule and Archive

As our online community continues to grow, we’re no longer just running random games. That’s not to say that we aren’t still running games on The Official Goodman Games Twitch Channel, because we’ll continue to do that as well, but now we’ve got four regular shows that we air on Twitch. Airing every Sunday night Airing every Wednesday night Airing monthly Airing every Thursday nightAnd if you’ve...

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Support Veterans’ Charities by Watching Blades Against Bandwidth Tonight

Support Veterans’ Charities by Watching Blades Against Bandwidth Tonight

In honor of the fallen this Memorial Day weekend, we are hosting a very special episode of Blades Against Bandwidth tonight. Join Judge Brendan LaSalle tonight at 6:00 pm EST as he continues the trek through DCC #81: The One Who Watches From Below. While the players are battling their way through the module, we invite you to join us in donating to The Fisher House veterans foundation. Goodman Games will start off the donations with a...

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