T-Shirts Shipped for Spawn of Cyclops Con

T-Shirts Shipped for Spawn of Cyclops Con

The Spawn has been hard at work pressing her steaming little hooves to cotton to produce our unforgettable Pawn of the Spawn T-Shirts from Spawn of Cyclops Con. Not only are the shirts newly-crafted and straight from the Cyclop’s lair, but all of the orders placed during the Con itself have now shipped! If you ordered one of our T-shirts from Spawn of Cyclops Con, you probably should have received it by now; if you have not,...

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New In the Online Store: Spawn of Cyclops Con Memorabilia Flyer Plus Warehouse Finds!

New In the Online Store: Spawn of Cyclops Con Memorabilia Flyer Plus Warehouse Finds!

If you’ve been looking for some hard-to-find or even never-found-before items in our online store, today is your day! We’ve got over NINETY (yes, 90!) new and found items that are now up in the online store! The newest item is the Spawn of Cyclops Con Memorabilia Map Flyer showing off the Citadel of the Cyclops. This printed flyer is a perfect way to remember your experience at Spawn of Cyclops con, and has the low price...

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Tournament Recap: The Slave Pits of Agharta, part 2

Tournament Recap: The Slave Pits of Agharta, part 2

Tonight’s Guest Player: The Internet by Harley Stroh  Hail, Gladiators! Over the course of Spawn of Cyclops Con, dozens of damned souls were dragged into the Aghartan underworld to battle man-bats, leviathans, giants, and each other, all for the delight of wicked elephantine overlords. Their numbers were winnowed to six over the course of three brutal rounds, and then down to just two: Joe Colistro and Jon Lehman. Each slew the...

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Missed the Auction? It’s Now on YouTube!

Missed the Auction? It’s Now on YouTube!

Once again we want to thank you for making Spawn of Cyclops Con such a success. One of the high points of the show was the online auction—which, as far as we’re aware, the first-ever online convention auction! Auctioneer Jim Kitchen outdid himself hosting the events, as did the fans. Not only did it raise more than $2,000 for charity, but it was also a hilariously good time. In case you missed it, here is the replay from YouTube! And...

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Tournament Recap: The Slave Pits of Agharta

Tournament Recap: The Slave Pits of Agharta

Some Died Free: Spawn of Cyclops Con Tournament Report  by Marc Bruner  For Spawn of Cyclops Con we reimagined our traditional multi-round tournament through the lens of brutal solo play: a pitched battle royale set atop a ziggurat at the center of a wine-dark sea. With terrible foes above, and rising seas below, it only stood to reason that the PCs would fall on each other like wolves – exactly what the foul Lost Aghartans...

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Announcing The Donation To The Franklin Food Bank

Announcing The Donation To The Franklin Food Bank

We previously announced the Franklin Food Bank as our charity partner for Spawn of Cyclops Con. As a result of the show, we’re pleased to announce that Goodman Games will be donating a total of $4,144 to the food bank. A total of $2,072 was raised at the Friday night auction, which Goodman Games will match for the total donation. A huge thanks to the generous buyers and the sellers who agreed to donate a minimum of 20% of the proceeds...

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A Video Chat and Look Behind the Scenes with Skull & Friends

A Video Chat and Look Behind the Scenes with Skull & Friends

A Video Chat and Look Behind the Scenes with Skull & Friends To you undeserving mortals I have granted a rare glimpse behind the veil of secrecy at my most peerless of publications, Tales From the Magician’s Skull. The lowliest of my minions, the larvae called ‘interns,’ were tasked with this honor, but recently each met their own destruction in most hideous and foolish a fashion. And so the task was entrusted to...

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Spawn of Cyclops Con Is a Wrap!

Spawn of Cyclops Con Is a Wrap!

You people are the BEST! Spawn of Cyclops Con has come and gone, and thanks to all of you who had a hand in it, it was an amazing success. From the Opening Ceremonies, through the discovery of our Dealer’s Hall and Artist’s Alley, to the tournaments, the pick-up games, the daily seminars, and all the way up to the Closing Ceremonies, you drove the con and made it a fun experience for all. One of the big hits of the show...

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Don’t Miss TONIGHT’s Raffle at the Spawn of Cyclops Con Closing Ceremonies!

Don’t Miss TONIGHT’s Raffle at the Spawn of Cyclops Con Closing Ceremonies!

Tonight at 10 PM EST join Joseph Goodman and the Goodman Gang on Twitch to closeout what has been a terrific con experience — and maybe win something cool in the process! This evening, just before the portcullis of the Citadel of the Cyclops slams down and Spawn of Cyclops Con officially draws to a close, join us in celebrating the convention highlights during our Closing Ceremonies. We’ve got a few surprises planned, so...

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Sunday’s Lineup for Spawn of Cyclops Con

Sunday’s Lineup for Spawn of Cyclops Con

SPAWN OF CYCLOPS CON ROARS INTO THE HOME STRETCH Proving that she is indeed the apple of her father’s single, terrifyingly malefic eye, the Spawn of the Cyclops has hosted a virtual con that will be spoken of for ages yet to come. So ignore those sounds coming from the dungeon, sidestep that inexplicable pit trap (how’d that get there?), and read on for our full Sunday lineup of events! One thing to keep in mind is that...

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Events for New DCC Players at Spawn of Cyclops Con

Events for New DCC Players at Spawn of Cyclops Con

Welcome New DCC Players! This is the place to start… Our cute little Spawn wants nothing more than to meet gamers new to Dungeon Crawl Classics and introduce them to her favorite game system. In fact, Spawn of Cyclops Con is designed for new DCC players. We’ve got an entire New Players Welcome track devoted to open games that make for a quick, fun introductory experience that will get new players up to speed in no time. So...

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Saturday’s Lineup for Spawn of Cyclops Con

Saturday’s Lineup for Spawn of Cyclops Con

THE MONSTER OF A CON CONTINUES! SPAWN OF CYCLOPS CON, DAY TWO. The virtual con like no other is off to a colossally cyclopean start, and the sounds of gaming, canoodling, wheeling-dealing, and the chomping of adventurer’s bones echoes throughout the Citadel of the Cyclops! But we’ve only just begun — read on to see our jampacked Saturday lineup. One thing to keep in mind is that our Dealer’s Hall is always open...

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