Announcing OAR #4: The Lost City

Announcing OAR #4: The Lost City

At Gen Con we held our What’s New With Goodman Games Seminar (which you can watch on Facebook, by the way), where we reviewed existing projects and announced several new ones. Over the course of the next several days we’ll discuss these projects and give you some insight as to what and when to expect them. In fact, we’ll start right now with what many people have been waiting to discover: We’re pleased to announce Original...

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Congrats to The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar!

Congrats to The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar!

Gen Con 2019 is over, but the events of the show have left a permanent mark on history. We speak of course of The 2019 Gen Con DCC Team Tournament, which crowned The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar! We’ve already shown you the winning team, but today we want to take it a step further. Today we are going to give you the names of the winners! And not just for The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar themselves, but for the top three teams!...

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Photos From An Amazing Gen Con!

Photos From An Amazing Gen Con!

We’re back! To say we had an amazing Gen Con is a vast understatement. Every aspect of the show exceeded our expectations and left us wanting more—as well as exhausted. And we’ve got pictures to prove it. In fact, we’ll start off with a lovely time-lapse of us setting up the Goodman Games booth this year! It shows a very brief view of how things go from a blank slate to a full booth in just a few seconds, even if it...

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Gen Con 2019: A Day Off

Gen Con 2019: A Day Off

GEN CON 2019 IS OVER! And we are very tired. We have a ton of news and things to share from Gen Con 2019, but…we’re gonna take a day or three off and recover from the past week. Thanks again to everyone who came to Gen Con and helped to make it fabulous. And to all the organizers of the event who make it so special every year. For now, here’s a pic of the whole Goodman team in front of the infamous Gong of Doom!...

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Gen Con 2019: Team Tournament Results – Day Four

Gen Con 2019: Team Tournament Results – Day Four

GEN CON 2019 IS HERE! It is finished. The finals of The 2019 Gen Con DCC Team Tournament are complete and we have a champion. We have discovered The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar. A huge thanks to all of the Judges and players that helped to make the event a huge success. The prizes that were handed out were one-of-a-kind, and the team that won it were on top of their game. Two teams battled—Oh, God! and Sponsored by Mace Hardware—and...

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Gen Con 2019: Team Tournament Results – Day Three

Gen Con 2019: Team Tournament Results – Day Three

GEN CON 2019 IS HERE! We’re ready to move on to the finals! The 2019 Gen Con DCC Team Tournament second round is finished, and we know the teams that will compete for the final prize, the title of The Greatest Thieves In Lankhmar! The last two teams are ready to battle it out, after fighting their way through a field of twenty. A huge thanks to all of the Judges and players that helped to make the first day of the event a huge...

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Gen Con 2019: Team Tournament Results – Day Two

Gen Con 2019: Team Tournament Results – Day Two

GEN CON 2019 IS HERE! The first round of The 2019 Gen Con DCC Team Tournament is complete! We know who is going through to round two! Only two days remain to determine who are The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar? Many teams put forth their best effort, but the competition is tough, and only a handful pushed through to the second round. A huge thanks to all of the Judges and players that helped to make the first day of the event a huge...

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Gen Con 2019: Team Tournament Results – Day One

Gen Con 2019: Team Tournament Results – Day One

GEN CON 2019 IS HERE! The first day of Gen Con 2019 is done. Meaning the first day of The 2019 Gen Con DCC RPG Team Tournament is in the books! The course of the next few days is set to determine a single thing: who are The Greatest Thieves in Lankhmar? Many teams put forth their best effort, but the competition is tough. A huge thanks to all of the Judges and players that helped to make the first day of the event a huge success. Fun...

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Gen Con Preview: Bonus Preview of the Booth!

Gen Con Preview: Bonus Preview of the Booth!

The Gen Con Cometh! Okay, so we said that the last Gen Con preview was the final one, but we kind of had a moment of sharing after we set up the booth today, so The Dark Master himself decided to take a moment or ten and give everyone a guided tour of the Goodman Games booth at Gen Con 2019! So check out the video below, and come visit us at booth #117 starting TOMORROW! GEN CON IS...

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Gen Con Preview #6: The Gongfarmer’s Almanac

Gen Con Preview #6: The Gongfarmer’s Almanac

The Gen Con Cometh! This is it. The final preview before the actual event. Gen Con starts…TOMORROW! We have one last thing to preview. One more special release that is meant for a special class of fan. This year we’ll once again have The Gongfarmer’s Almanac at the booth. And it once again will not be for sale. In fact, it won’t even be displayed. This is the secret DCC zine…anybody can have it, but only if they know to ask! If...

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Gen Con Preview #5: DCC Nunchuks. Yes, DCC Nunchuks.

Gen Con Preview #5: DCC Nunchuks. Yes, DCC Nunchuks.

The Gen Con Cometh! We’re almost there! Gen Con is right around the corner, but we’ve still got some great surprises in store before the show begins. Today, we’ve got a trio of new products that are exclusive to Gen Con 2019! First, we’ll have a new run of Rat-Snake to accompany the premiere of the DCC Lankhmar product line. Oh, and yes, DCC Lankhmar which will also be available at Gen Con. Rat-Snake is the...

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Gen Con Preview #4: T-Shirts and More!

Gen Con Preview #4: T-Shirts and More!

The Gen Con Cometh! Are you set to be dressed for the con? Even if you feel like your closet can’t hold another single piece of clothing, we’ve got something tempting for you: a whole new selection of Goodman Games t-shirts! All of these shirts are exclusively new to Gen Con, and if the shipping gods are kind, we’ll also have a new run of DCC baseball caps and some new satin dice bags! In addition to all the new...

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