Real Life Adventures: A Return to Quasqueton
Our Real Life Adventures series takes a look at unique sights, interesting places, and curious landmarks in that most fabulous of realms . . . the real world! Whether they be tours of spots directly related to gaming’s rich history, or places that are just flat out amazing or weird, our Real Life Adventures can serve as inspiration for your own tabletop gaming — be sure to check out the other articles in this series for...
Happy Halloween From Goodman Games!
From all of us at Goodman Games … Happy Halloween! We hope you find a safe and fun way to enjoy the holiday this...
Celebrate DCC #100 With DCC Trivia!
In celebration of the release of DCC #100 Boxed Set adventure!After 20 years of adventure and 100 (plus!) Dungeon Crawl Classics modules, we’ve got quite a lot of trivia kicking around for fans both old and new. Trivia like, exactly what was Knockmort? Or, do you know the true name of the Lady in Blue? Or how about which GG author appeared as a Hill Giant in The Chained Coffin?All of these and more were part of our DCC#100: The...
In Memoriam: The Band
We’re With The Band. If you’re new to Dungeon Crawl Classics, you might not have met the Band — those intrepid but, alas, mortal adventurers who can be seen doing illustrated battle in every DCC module, taking the same risks as your player characters, and sometimes meeting the same untimely demise. But if adventuring was easy, as the saying goes, then every gongfarmer would be doing it, and the rewards just...
The MCC Bookshelf, 2023 Edition
Like any powerful radioactive mutant, the Mutant Crawl Classics bookshelf keeps growing and changing over the years! With new editions of DCC and MCC — including the many limited editions or special cover editions we produce from time-to-time — we like to post an updated ‘group shot’ photo of the complete run of the core rulebooks. MCC might have some catching up to do with its big brother in terms of numbers...
The Journeys of the DCC Band!
We’re With The Band. If you’re new to Dungeon Crawl Classics, you might not have met the Band — those intrepid but, alas, mortal adventurers who can be seen doing illustrated battle in every DCC module, taking the same risks as your player characters, and sometimes meeting the same untimely demise. But if adventuring was easy, as the saying goes, then kobolds would be doing it, and the rewards just wouldn’t be...
DCC + Your License Plate = Free Gen Con Badge!
Hey DCC fans! We are already looking forward to next years Gen Con, and we wanted to remind all of our amazing fans out there about a special offer we’ve got on the books. It’s a well-known fact that you guys are the best, most supportive fans in the world, so naturally this is the sort of thing we know you’ll love! Anyone who gets an official, state-provided license plate celebrating Dungeon Crawl Classics for their...
A Retrospective: Nine Years of Goodman Games Yearbooks
Since the earliest days of the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, Goodman Games has released an annual yearbook — of sorts. Originally, these were our ‘Gen Con Program Guides,’ literally a guide to all the event programming that we had planned for our yearly presence at Gen Con. Released at the Con itself, these guides were packed with Con-specific information: an event grid, profiles of our staff, previews of upcoming...
Happy Halloween From Goodman Games!
From all of us at Goodman Games … Happy Halloween! We hope you find a safe and fun way to enjoy the holiday this...
All The Tournament Winners!
For several years now, Goodman Games has been running tournaments at conventions across the country. Gen Con has seen the lion’s share of these events, but we’ve slowly expanded to other shows to allow more people a chance to prove their mettle in the ultimate arena of role-playing talent. We’ve had folks dealing with everything from Beer Golems to Black Hearts, and even a chance to prove themselves The Greatest...
Podcasts for DCC and MCC Fans
New to DCC RPG? Looking for a podcast that talks about DCC RPG—and MCC RPG—to help foster your newfound passion? We’ve got a few suggestions for you.Check out the world of podcasts that tie in—either directly or other—to the world of Dungeon Crawl Classics. Whether they are devoted specifically to the game or are a part of the inspirations that are behind the creation of DCC, these podcasts share some great material that can...
The Music of DCC: The Music of Michael Moorcock
The release of DCC #100: The Music of the Spheres (is Chaos) looms on the horizon, so Dieter Zimmerman takes a look at the relationship between DCC RPG and music in a series of blog posts appropriately titled “The Music of DCC (is Chaos).” (Go read the first post now!) Join him as he decides which Goodman Games person has the most embarrassing taste in music, as he interviews some bands associated with DCC RPG, and as he examines...