Download Art For Your Gongfarmers Local Certificate!

Amazing Art for EVERY Gongfarmers Local Chapter

As an official Gongfarmers Local Chapter, you’ll naturally have a cool certificate to prove it! Above you can see some examples of distinctive Gongfarmers Local Chapter certificates, each with their own badge.

We’ve got a great archive of Gongfarmers Local Certificate badge art from Goodman Games artists you can choose from, that you can browse right here. When your group registers as a Gongfarmers Local Chapter, you can select from any of that existing art, or even submit your own custom art, for use as the emblem of your own particular chapter.

Some examples:

What is a Gongfarmer’s Local?

It’s you and your Thursday night crew that have played DCC since meeting at your local con five years ago.

It’s you and your spouse and kids and their friends who are wheezing your way through the OAR adventures, one hilarious room at a time. 

It’s you and your Discord group – your friend on the coast, your buddy from back home, and your new pal in Romania who keeps weird hours – who survived Chained Coffin and have decided to stay in the mountains and hunt the monsters that threaten the Shudfolk. 

A Gongfarmer’s Local can be all of that and more!

If you have a group that plays Goodman Games systems and adventures – Dungeon Crawl Classics, Fifth Edition Fantasy, Original Adventures Reincarnated, Mutant Crawl Classics, DCC Lankhmar, DCC Dying Earth, XCrawl Classics, etc. – then you too can join the ranks of official Goodman Games fandom. Your Gongfarmer Local is you and the people you proudly play Goodman Games adventures and systems with.

Want to join the ranks? Choose a name and leader for your group and fill out our super easy form and you get: 

  • An official certificate!
  • Bragging rights!
  • Group identity!
  • Access to the GFA Discord, where you can meet up with other Gongfarmers in your area and beyond. 

Go here for more details and a link to our easy online application!

Author: admin

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