Honoring the 2022 Goodie Nominees – and Still Accepting 2023 Nominations

We’re still looking for your nominations for the 2023 Goodie Awards!

For several years, Goodman Games has given out our annual accolade — the Goodie Award.

What started as a way to recognize Judges who have gone above and beyond when running games or who have put up some exceptional stats during Tournament play has grown to include so much more. The Goodie has also been given to members of the community who have done a great service to the world at large or have gone that extra mile to help out the Goodman Games fan community. It’s a sign of doing good across the board — it’s in the name of the award, after all!

If you have a nomination, email us at info@goodman-games.com and tell us about the person you feel deserves a Goodie Award and why. We want to know about the Judges and fans who deserve special recognition. The Goodie Awards will be given out live on Twitch during a special show. So let us know your deserving nominees!

It was back in November of 2022 when we announced the winners of last year’s awards, but it occurred to us that we haven’t shared the pics of those winners and their awards. So, we present to you the visuals of the winners and their awards! Congrats go out to them once again for their achievements and our gratitude.

Get your nominees into us right now! The 2023 Goodie Awards are coming soon!

Author: pandabrett

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