Revealing Xcrawl Insider!

Xcrawl Insider is the magazine of Xcrawl. One thing we’ve noticed about Kickstarters is that once the pledges arrive in backer hands, sometimes the “supporting buzz” isn’t as strong as it could be. One of the goals of Xcrawl Insider is to keep that excitement going for years after the books arrive. The first issue of Xcrawl Insider will arrive several months after the other pledge items, then new issues will release every six months thereafter. We intend to support this game for a long time!

Several of this Kickstarter’s pledge levels include the first four issues of Xcrawl Insider. Each issue features a mix of new crawl designs, fan submissions, community lore, league standings, fun articles, and things of that nature. We will leave some article slots open for paid submissions from the community – so if you’ve always wanted to submit your own crawl for publication, this might be your chance! 

Here are mockups of the first four issues. These are just mockups so pretty much everything is subject to change (except the cover art). But you get the idea!

If you like Xcrawl Insider, make sure you’re pledging at a level that includes it!

There is a lot going on in the world of Xcrawl Classics today!:

Vote on your favorite dice design! The voting continues and you can cast your vote here.

Empire Sports One is TONIGHT! Join us on the Goodman Games Twitch channel at 6:00 pm EST! We’ll talk Xcrawl, then talk some more Xcrawl, then maybe talk some more Xcrawl!

Xcrawl Live Playthrough Tonight on Twenty Sides to Every Story! Join Alex and the gang as they demonstrate how much fun Xcrawl can be, live at the table! More info on the Twenty Sides to Every Store site!

Author: admin

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