Road Crew Rally on Tuesday Night!

Tomorrow night at 8:00 pm, EST!

Join Judge Brendan and friends tomorrow night, June 13th, at 8:00 pm EST for the next Road Crew Rally!

HAIL THE ROAD CREW! You don’t want to be anywhere else in the world next Tuesday but in front of your computer hanging out for the ROAD CREW RALLY! Announcements, special guests, UK stories, laughs and thrills . . . this one is going to have it all, including a special appearance by THE DARK MASTER HIMSELF! Tune in and join your tribe as we share the magical ROAD CREW LOVE! Be there or FACE THE PHLOGISTON ALONE!

Get the latest on upcoming Road Crew events and plans for the future as Brendan lays out the road ahead for 2023. And, with Gen Con on the horizon, Road Crew are needed to help run games during the convention, specifically our new funnel adventure for Gen Con: The Forsaken Vault of the Crimson Oracle.

As always, Brendan and company will be coming to you live on the Goodman Games Official Twitch Channel.

Author: admin

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