20+ New DCC Third-Party Supplements In Our PDF Store!

Enough to break a virtual bookshelf!

We’ve got a huge influx of new DCC-compatible third party PDFs in our PDF store today. Some of these books you will have seen in our Online Store before — they’ve just gotten PDF-only releases!

And some of them are making their debut in the store of the first time today, such as Breaker Press Game’s Desperation of the Hungry, Around the Common Fire, Hillwood Camp, The Icon Bearer, and The Coinswallower.

This big influx of PDF-only releases from Purple Pirate Games, JLHB Polytechnic, Owl Knight Publishing, STP Games, Astellan Press, Breaker Press Games, and Terminal Games adds even more convenience and portability to these already great titles. It’s also a chance to grab some zines that may have gone out of stock!

With so much to choose from, we have something for every group and every game today: from modern to classic fantasy to grimdark, from encounters, character classes, supplements, and modules, from the comical to the deadly serious to the undefinably weird — these indie titles showcase the wild creativity that can be found from our amazing Third Party Publishing friends.

There’s a whole lot to see today, so let’s take a look!

Author: admin

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