Road Crew, Send Us Your DCC Poster Designs!

No artistic skill required!

Our Road Crew Poster Design Contest is running all this month and we want to see your best designs! We are looking for designs that can be used to advertise Road Crew games. The posters should be designed for use as either downloadable posters OR for online platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook.

And remember, that it’s designs we’re looking for — while we more than welcome original art from those of you comfortable with pen and brush, we are also looking for poster designs featuring our own existing art work, used in clever and interesting ways. If you have a cool idea about how to use our own art in the poster, don’t hesitate to submit it!

We will use the designs to create downloadable images for print or for upload to help the entire crew get the word out about their amazing games!

The art can be for Dungeon Crawl Classics, 5E, Mutant Crawl Classics, Dying Earth, Xcrawl, Lankhmar, or any other DCC setting or Goodman Games adventure. The art can refer to a game or setting, but not the gaming venue, time, date, or GM, since those will need to be customized by each individual judge. And remember, your poster can feature your own original art, or any image from the existing Goodman Games product line. See the the graphic at the bottom of this announcement for image specifications.

Our experts will judge the AWESOMENESS and UTILITY of your entries and the winners shall have FABULOUS PRIZES!

The Official Rules

  • All art must be submitted by May 31, 2023
  • You may submit more than one design.
  • All designs shall eventually be posted as free downloads on the Goodman Games site.
  • Send your entries to with the subject “ROAD CREW DESIGN CONTEST”

We want this to be our greatest contest EVER, so SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT!

Your image will fill the blue square in the final design

Author: admin

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