Did somebody say FREE Adventures?
TOMORROW we’ll have all the details on how you can nab some totally free modules for both 5E and DCC! What’s the occasion you may ask? Why, it’s Dungeon Day!
Dungeon Day is a celebration in honor of the Father of the RPG, Gary Gygax. Co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, Gary is a huge reason all of us have our favorite hobby—dungeon crawling!
As part of this year’s celebration, Goodman Games is offering an all-new FREE Fifth Edition Fantasy module ideal for new players, Ambush at Dragon’s Cove. This module will be available at the Goodman Games Online Store on March 4th, at no cost, in Print and PDF. (Customers getting the print version will need to pay for shipping, however.)
AND we will also be offering select entry-level DCC adventures for free on the same day (and only on March 4th).
No matter your flavor of gaming, we’ll have something special for you as we reflect on the monumental legacy of the man who took some funny dice, a handful of lead miniatures, and reams of graph paper and melded them all together into an entirely new form of participatory storytelling.
So dust off your 10-foot pole, polish those high, hard boots, and mark your calendar for Dungeon Day, TOMORROW, March 4th, 2023! And remember to hit the Online Store and grab your free 5E and DCC adventures in both Print and PDF.