Dungeon Denizens Launch Show Airs Tomorrow

We’ve talked about it for a while, and now…we’re going to talk about it LIVE!

The Kickstarter for Dungeon Denizens launches TOMORROW—Tuesday, February 21—at noon EST. And for the first hour of the Kickstarter, we’re going to be having a live show on Twitch to talk about the campaign and what to expect from it. Creators Michael Curtis and Chris Doyle join our Dark Master, Joseph Goodman, to go over everything that is inside each of the volumes, what you can expect, and where things might go.

Dungeon Denizens is the new hardcover collection of over 500 monsters to add to your game. That’s 500 monsters for 5E in one massive hardcover—and 500 monsters for DCC in a different massive hardcover! That’s correct: we’re putting out the book for both DCC RPG and 5E! So no matter your system of choice, we’ve got the book for you!

And do you know what’s even better than 500 monsters? 502 monsters! Head on over to the preview page for the Kickstarter right now and follow the Dungeon Denizens campaign—you’ll be notified as soon as it launches and be able to get the bonus monster that comes from backing the project in the first 48 hours!

All Kickstarter backers get one bonus monster—early backers get an ADDITIONAL bonus monster!

But these bonus monsters are only available through Kickstarter, so you won’t want to miss this opportunity. Not only will you be getting a monster deal on a monster of a book, but you’ll also be getting these backer-exclusive bonuses.

So join us Tuesday, February 21st LIVE on Twitch as we discuss Dungeon Denizens! It’s all part of the big Kickstarter launch and we hope to see you there!

Author: pandabrett

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